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While the Scotty Canon Nitro Mater features decent detail on the paint job and heavy die-cast construction, it is still smaller and less detailed than its counterparts. Measuring approximately 9 1/2" long, this model could possibly fill the void in an Oakley tower.

Ian -
I was able to pick up the red version pretty cheap. If you can get one for less than original MSRP, get one. They won't disappoint.
ball5out -
I got the silver and yellow but the car and packaging doesnt look like the one above however, it is a scotty canon model car. great piece to add in your display that shows you're a true Oakley fan and lover
brian -
Made to look like the O-Shoe. This car won paint job of the year accordingly to Car and Driver Mag. Makes an awesome display piece.
Dann -
While not as sought after as the 1:16 models, this 1:32 does just fine. It's a nice model with great detail and fits in my display cabinet, so that's a plus. I'd recommend picking one up if you're a collector.
o-xide -
had a chance to buy for $35. just does not appeal to me
oogie -
I just love this original design car. While the "tomato" creature on the hood is not as cool as the OTT scientist IMO, I'm just a complete sucker for the yellow kevlar weave on the hood. Love it! (and they are relatively cheap on ebay now!)
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