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ChrisFlynn -
Frame: Silver
Lens: Oakley Clear Rx

My rx glasses for many years. Wore them to work, wore them cycling, so the look is really versatile. People recognize them as Oakleys but there's just enough restraint in the styling that they don't look too casual. The silver finish has an FMJ-like luminescence but it's not overpowering. This is one sturdy eyeglass frame. Probably over 8 years of use, maybe 300 days a year, no loose hinges, no repairs, no bending. The O5-specific earsocks have to be replaced every couple of years as they fall apart after a while. But that's a minor item; these glasses are my favorite Oakleys, bar none. For the time being, I've switched to a pair of O1s just to do something different but I'll go back to the O5s. Five stars with no conditions and no hesitations.
Pander -
Frame: Cobalt
Lens: Rx Clear

Great pair of glasses. These were the last Rx glasses I ever had to wear. Since I got my eyes lasered I would never look for other glasses but Oakley. I even pursuaded my dad to buy Oakley's as well!
eyeyeye -
Frame: Cobalt
Lens: Persimmon Rx
My first Oakley Rx. Loved the one-piece frontal; it gives it a unique look. The nosebridge could have been one size bigger, to fit better on larger noses. The nosepieces however are easy to adjust. The stems create a secure fit.
I would still be using it, if my prescription had not changed.
oaklitaly -
Frame: Silver
Lens: RX clear

My 3rd RX frame and for me the best of the line until now. I don't understand why O stops production.
Good only for small-medium faces
6 stars!
bong -
Frame: Cobalt (50mm)
Lens: RX Clear

my second pair of Oakley RX frames. the Cobalt finish is very nice, it's not as blue as i'd imagine it to be, it's more of a nice, dark steel blue. what stands out for these frames are the thick orbitals and the nice, sculpted hinge design... very X-Metal like. even with the 50mm version, the frames are still a bit too narrow for my wide head, and the thick orbitals/hinges doesn't offer too much flexibility for adjustment. but all in all, very unique looking frames!
kingphilbert -
Frame: Brown
Lens: Rx Clear

I made this my first Oakley Rx from the RX line. It's an amazing little frame. The best part was that it had a thick orbital frame similar to some of the trendy plastics being worn, and you didn't have to look like everyone else. The arms are slightly curved in and very thin which gave an awesome spring and flex when worn and the sculpted hinge is cool how it sets into a little carved out seat (similar to the Juliet's earstem setting into the shock). I guess that's why I always looked at these and saw the Juliet as well.
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