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sparra -
Frame: Light
Lens: Black Iridium

Perhaps a little dated, though they still look pretty dammed cool, depending on your face. They fit well, though it is a shame that the styling seems a little too conservative for O. Nevertheless, another good sunglass.
Ian -
Frame: Leather Wrap
Lens: Gold Iridium

I've always been a fan of the Square Wire, but by the time I had the means to start buying them, they were long gone. I was able to pick up my first pair for a very reasonable price, and they just happend to be one of my first Holy Grails, the Leather Wrap. I want so badly to wear these out and about, but I'm so concerned about damaging them. Let's hope I can pick up a pair to use, so I can keep a pair in the case.
Tick -
Frame: Leather wrap
Lens: Gold Iridium
So Pimp! It's glasses like this that can change your attitude. Gen. 1 Square Wires are pretty much the same size as the newer Big Square Wires. The orbitals & Earstems on this pair are actually wrapped in a super thin layer of snakeskin patterned leather to acheive their unique look. Even today, they don't look dated in my opinion, they just get cooler as they age. Unfortunately, I don't think the same could be said of the leather itself if they were worn on a regular basis.
Frame: Black
Lens: Black

Nice everyday shades, I have a pair as a "beater" and they've proved to be very comfortable and very hardwearing considering they're wires, the lenses are, being oakley, perfect and they suit almost every shaped head
LEX7 -
Frame:Leather Wrap
Lens:Gold Iridium

wow i had no idea how cool these are. they are also huge im sure the same size as what are now called big Square wires.

most of the frame is wrapped in the snake skin looking leather and underneath is the platinum frame. an amazing crazy and rare oakley that you must grab if you get the chance!
oogie -
Frame: Light
Lens: Black

A bit dated now, probably more so than the e wires. However, these do seem to do a great job of making me look like a cop. So whenever I feel an inferiority complex coming on, just throw these on! ;)

The fit is fine, very similar to e wires. But with much larger, square lenses, they are probably more likely to not fit small faces.
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