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Toniclonic -
I don't know if this color is an acquired taste or what. But from day one I have thought this frame color is the gaudiest looking color that Oakley makes. I mean it makes anybody stand out and just look awkwardly funny. It's by far my least favorite color.
b2r -
Polished White is a colour that looks good on some frames like the Gascan and not so good on others. But it goes together with any lens color. Though I prefer Ice, Ruby, Violet and that stuff as it gets to stand out really well combined with a white frame. But on some frames it looks cheap or awkward. Also your skin tone and tan is relevant on how it looks. It also is a fashion statement at the moment.
Ian -
White is one of my fetishes for Oakleys. The problem is that white can make a normally cool frame unwearable. A perfect example is the Monster Doggle. In white, they look atrocious. In Black, they rule. With that said, the frames that look good look really good. I have white Gascans, Canteens, Monster Doggles, Fuels Cells, Frogskins, and Hijinx. I like white.
Polished White is one of those basic chromas that works well with nearly any lens color, but in the end it's a bit plain. Pearl is a much more exciting alternative.
jumpman73 -
One of my all time favorite frame colors. The polished white is really bold and noticeable. I wouldn't wear these if you are trying to blend in. This frame color will stand out in any style of color lens. Its very nice and fresh.
LEX7 -
a nice frame colour but has the tendancy to look cheap as it looks very plasticy, like lawn furniture. this frame looks amazing with the fire lens and also with ice. its a huge shame it always seems to come with white icons. whats that all about?
Rick -
Pretty straightforward approach to a glossy white frame. Nice smooth finish and the bright white frame is a real attention-getter. White is not the most practical of frame colors imho, so this might be best suited to someone who isn't afraid of making a statement.
Pander -
Attracts a lot of attention! But it still looks very stylish. Only to be used when having a good tan!
dj.MLYT -
Sticks out like a sore thumb on my gascans... I love it. Definitely a fashion frame color.
BrianJ1888 -
I love this on my FlouroCamo MonsterDog. It's a bright and pure white that is set off by the plain grey lenses. You'll get noticed with this one.
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