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Bruin1 -
This bright yellow box with the WARNING label is a really sharp...nice display piece.
While still in production, Oakley successfully differentiated their Magnesium eyewear line with orange/yellow-colored packaging and specialized labeling. Similar to the X-Metal boxes, the Magnesium Switch box featured both an outer sleeve as well as pre-cut foam padding on the inside to protect your shades. A placard bearing the Icon and the phrase "Magnesium: Switch" replaced the X-Metal coin; likewise, the phrase "Warning: Magnesium" adorned the sides of the outer sleeve. Overall, the box complimented the ingenuity and distinctiveness of the eyewear it promoted.
ball5out -
warning sign makes it look dangerous. Hence hardcore peeps like that
Pander -
Like the X-metal box, only where the coin should have went, they put a warning sign. Nice to put in the display next to the glasses!
splatter -
Good details like the magnesium warning and the outer sleeve is a nice design that was carried on in other boxes
o-xide -
The big warning on the label makes you think what is inside the box. I give them credit for that
Dann -
Here starts the Yellow box art. The magnesium warning is a nice touch.
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