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Dann -
During the era of the B&W boxes, some came with some color. The Iciro's had blue artwork, and the ducati had nice bright red. This box really stands out from the rest.
Whether it's for the Juliet, Hatchet Wire, Valve, or any other applicable limited edition version of sunglass, the Ducati box differentiates itself and gives collectors an extra reason to rejoice. Compared to most other Oakley boxes, the bold red coloring stands out and grabs your attention while matching the colors of its sponsor. The sporty and crisp photography also captures the nature of Ducati racing. If you have one in your collection, you may wish to consider displaying it along with your shades.
Bruin1 -
The Ducati Juliet box is a thing of beauty....the nice bright red color and the motorcycle really stand out in my tower!
Whether it's for the Juliet, Hatchet Wire, Valve, or any other applicable limited edition version of sunglass, the Ducati box differentiates itself and gives collectors an extra reason to rejoice. Compared to most other Oakley boxes, the bold red coloring stands out and grabs your attention while matching the colors of its sponsor. The sporty and crisp photography also captures the nature of Ducati racing. If you have one in your collection, you may wish to consider displaying it along with your shades.
BullyVW -
Being a Ducati fan, I'm obsessed with the box and entire package that surrounds these custom shades. The vibrant color is a stark contrast to typical boxes. And, I can't help but be excited about a pic of a sweet bike, with classic lineage, on the box of a sweet pair of sunglasses with an equal lineage.
ball5out -
I like the box and the red tag on the oakley micro fiber bag. worth displaying
TheVault -
Really stands out in design and in color, I love all that red, a great package for a great line with colorfull combos.

Theres also a newer version of that box.
Pander -
Not just to hold the glasses, but also to look at! This box is on diplay in my double wide accompanying the Juliets.
syphon3filter -
this is a really nice box especially for two wheels lovers like me :) hehe i give a five for this too i agree with you jumpman73 and american image :)
american image -
really cool box , nice picture on the wrap , overall ; it stands out from all other boxes from that era
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