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b2r -
The silver wire frame is what it is - silver. Looks good with Ice Iridium. But there are more interesting frames, but for a silver colour that is very good.
dta15m -
i have the a wire in a silver frame with the ice lenses, i think it looks great together, i also have it with black lenses and it is a little boring but overall i like it.
BrianJ1888 -
This is a good color for my Wardens. On another frame, it gets a bit boring, but given the desing of this frame, anything more flashy would be way too much. I'll save polished gold wires for RayBan.
O.T.T. -
Found this frame to be a bit strange in that the texture is kind of rough. Still looks ok with Ice but overall I wish they had done the A Wire 2.0 SH in dark
bong -
they're just silver coloured matte frames. i agree that they're pretty standard. they do look good with Ice or Fire Iridium lenses on the Square Wire 2.0 SH though.
EastCoast -
This looks like a matte frame in low light but in the sun - wow! It really lights up, becoming a bright silver. Excellent when paired with Ice.
LEX7 -
not much to say about this frame, its silver. ive got it on my OO Square wires and it just seems like a rather standard boring colour.
Dann -
This is your standard silver non-glossy wire frame. Nothing too special about it.
Lali -
It has really nothing special, but I like it. With the Ice lenses looks cool.
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