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Iwan -
Actually I don't like this frame colour to much. It's high gloss finish makes it look like plastic to me. This is the only frame that looks better tarnished
DarkJuliet -
First generation polished has its little imperfections and pock marks in the surface which gives the material a more industrial and rugged look. I prefer this, actually. I don't really care for the chromed look myself, but I know that many out there do.
zeroshiki -
i used to think the polished juliet were too flashy, or blingy. but i got one for myself anyways in the end. they look very nice with the VR lenses, and i have receive numerous compliments on how nice the glasses frame looks! i even had my friend confirm me again, i asked: 'r u sure this looks better than the other pairs u've seen?' answer:'hell yeah! how much are them? where to get them?' :D :D

Ed -
I'm typically not a fan of "flashy" colors, but Polished X-Metal just looks so nice and classy. I especially like the Polished/Ti combination on the Romeo 2.
LEX7 -
very cool, this is the closest your gonna get to a mirror finish on a pair of glasses. very bling so maybe a bit extreme to be worn in public but definately great for the collection.
ive put emerald lenses and red unobtanium on mine and they look awesome!
oogie -
I got these for the fire polarized lens option, and thought I was being all fancy-risky getting such shiny/flashy frame color. But most of the comments I've received on this frame is how it actually doesn't seem so "weird" compared to my other Oakleys. So it may actually be that these blingy polished frames actually come accross as completely acceptable. Go figure.
x-metalman -
One of my favorite frames, looks great with Blue Iridium, Emerald, Ruby, Black Iridium, Fire, pretty much anything you can throw at it. The hammer earstems are a nice touch too.
Dann -
The polished frame adopted the hammer stems of the XX and Romeo for some reason, but still looks nice. It's highly polished, to the point of being a mirror, and looks very nice.
addicted2o -
chrome like frame that for me is the easiest to hook up with any lens color...although scratches on this frame can be easily seen...i like them alot especially with the ichiro emerald slate
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