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Ian -
Awesome! Oddities are always a welcome addition to any collection. I think it's funny that people will rant and rave about Woodgrain or White Tiger or Bengal, but when it comes down to it, Leather Wrapped is much more than a frame color, it's just plain weird. The time and engineering investment involved to make Leather sunglasses is just impressive. I'd like to shake the hands of the guy who suggested it, and the manager who was laid back enough to say "Why not?"
banarno -
Awesome, must be the craziest,impractical frame colour they ever did,so pretty much one for the collector.
O-TasMiC -
These have always intrigued me. When they first came out in 1998, and Michael Jordan was sporting them in a brown fedora, I knew I had to get a pair. I think these are the kinda of glasses you wear with a shaved head. What really sparked my interest in them was their brief appearance in Fight Club. I don’t wear them too much, but they have a special place in my collection.
Dann -
The frame color is a translucent burgundy of sorts. The tips of the ear stems past the ear sock aren't covered.
LEX7 -
CRAZY, this is a nice pumpkin browny orange snake patterned leather wrap.
it looks and feels like soft snakeskin.
only oakley could have come up with something like this.
LEX7 -
alot of people like these but I hate them and think they look so awful. it just looks like someone has glued bits of leather to a crater mars.
very ugly.
BrianJ1888 -
It's really more of a "frame treatment" than a true color. Anyone know what color the frame is?
Dann -
Another rare frame type. One of the original Square Wires, much like the original straight jacket, is wrapped in a shiney leather. It looks rather silly, but it's a nice collector's item.
Dann -
One of the most interesting frame adaptions for the original Straight Jacket. It's entirely wrapped in shiney leather with a snakeskin texture. This is very rare and is one for the collection. It seems to be treated, but I still wouldn't wear it out in the rain.
oogie -
Mars Leather Wrap. Made with suede leather, I think the danger is always there for some damage and unsightly wear. But my Mars are still looking new and fantastic after 6+ years or so. A unique styling idea with the leather wrap attached using the holes in the frame. A beautiful combination. Brings some sophistication to some oddly designed eyewear.
While it certainly scores kudos for originality, there is little use for a frame that resembles a pair of 1960s snakeskin leather shoes. Oakley had a very unique idea with this frame combo, indeed, but I wouldn't be caught dead wearing something that looks like this.
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