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DoctorCrip -
I hold onto all of mine because I, too, think that these make great display items. Only with Oakley would the shirt tag be something to not just throw away!
Tick -
Keep these cool tags when you get them to do a repeating display & be the envy of you friends!
jumpman73 -
Really cool tags. I save all of mine. I actually considered wearing the metal ones like dog tags but coudln't get my self to do it. I have enough things hanging around my neck.
dan-E -
I have a couple of the foam tags and I'm still trying figure out how to display them. Very cool for mere shirt tags.
Dann -
These come on every apparel item, and they tend to pile up quickly. They are made from a laminated foam. I scatter them about the collection.
oogie -
Got from ebay. Initially, I thought it was just some cheap fake item, but was surprised to see it later in O-Stores. The metal tag itself is pretty thin and doesn't inspire a great Oakley display item.

OK as an item, but pretty chintzy.
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