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Kourtney -
If my problem was a Death Star, this article is a pothon torpedo.
lucky13 -
Nice lens, but has an extremely weak iridium coating... Does not hide the eyes well at all.

Lens is best during overcast days, and too light (especially with contrast enhancing vr50) on sunny days.

Giving these a 4 just because it's part of my Finito Juliet, which I treasure... Otherwise, I'd give the lens itself a 3, from a usability and nice to look at perspective. ;-)
Iwan -
This one really exceeded my expectations. On pictures it just looked like another boring brown lens but how wrong I was! It looks extremely classy and is a pleasure to wear with increased contrast and it colours everything a nice gold instead of a drab brown.
Rick -
I love it. It is great for those days where you are going in and out of buildings and in and out of the shadows. I wore these for a week straight in Vancouver and was so impressed with it from a comfort and versatility aspect. It looks especially nice in a Carbon X-Metal Juliet frame with the word "Finito" etched in the left lens.
dj.MLYT -
very nice lens. as jumpman said... mysterious.
jumpman73 -
These look really cool. I have them in my Finito's. They give a hint of your eye but not enough so that you can still look cool. Mysterious these lenses are.
zeroshiki -
VR50's one of the few lens option for Juliet which allows others to see your eyes thru the lenses (under certain lighting conditions). Ed's review is correct, it's bright looking thru this lens compared to the other lenses i have(black, ruby, and ice), to the eyes the tint changes between pinkish(under darker light) to a golden brown(under bright light), it's certainly a nice lens..
Ed -
Nice lens for those days when you don't want or need a really dark tint. Think of this as a lighter VR28 Black. Adds a slight red/brown hue to your view. The Iridium coating gives these lenses a bronze appearance under certain light conditions.
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