Icon208: I Con
Orlando, Florida
February 28th, 2005 - 19 years ago (945 logins)Last Login10 years ago
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I used to work at an OPD in Orlando... we carry Oakley backpacks, hats, and watches, as well as the full line of eyewear (although not Rx)

I have a BA in political science; I'm off to law school in a few months.






Feb 8, 2014 11:21 PM
Bumping this just to note that there are officially no longer any replacement crystals in stock. I just sent mine back for a capacitor replacement (which weirdly there is a 10+ year supply of.)
Feb 8, 2014 10:51 PM
So, it turns out the Thumps don't actually work - they still register as a USB storage device and all the songs I put on them are still there - but I can't get them to make the "power on" noise or play anything. So, yeah, they're basically a display piece at this point (though you might have better luck than me.)
Jan 30, 2014 2:20 PM
Really not much. $25 plus shipping?

Thanks Dann!
Jan 17, 2014 8:39 PM
Whatever I don't sell will be donated to Dann or something. Except the Monster Pups. Those were always special.
Jan 17, 2014 8:38 PM
First, I apologize. I went AWOL immediately after I posted this and basically forgot to come back. I'm in law school and working full time, so things are... hectic.

Second, all this stuff is still available. I had a good look at the Ducati Hatchets yesterday and they are not quite mint; there is a single vertical scratch on the right side of each lens. They're not really noticeable but I wanted to make that clear.

In case you don't want to visit my collection, I have:
1. Canteen, polished white/black iridium
2. Monster Pup, brown/titanium iridium
3. Hatchet, silver(?)/ti clear
4. Hatchet, carbon/ice irid. (lenses swapped with following pair, possibly stuck because the screws are a bit stripped).
5. Hatchet, silver (?)/black irid. (see above).
6. Hatchet, Ducati (carbon/red unobtanium and icons, black iridium)
7. Hatchet, brown/ti irid.
8. Thump, white camo/black irid.
9. RazrWire, carbon/black irid. I might have lost the bluetooth attachment but I always liked the glasses better without them anyway.

I'm also selling the promo t-shirts (women's line and thump 1) which are pretty rare and wasted on me. They're worn, but the screen print stuff is still in place and they're not faded. So yeah, message me or respond inline if you want more info or prices or whatever.

I'll sell all the Hatchets together for $400.00 plus whatever shipping you choose (I'm in Florida, US). Otherwise, I'm flexible.
Apr 18, 2013 6:38 PM
Howdy, guys. Some of you may remember me from way back when. I ran an Iacon store and was a very active contributor for a while; I provided Dann a fair number of the SKUs in our database for discontinued sunglasses. Anyway, I'm selling off my glasses because I can't wear contacts anymore. Mostly, I have Hatchets: a complete set of the non-polarized models including the Ducatis. I swapped the lenses in the raw and carbon ones and I'm not sure if the screws are too stripped to switch them back. The serials are listed on my collection page here:


I don't have the boxes anymore, though; wife tossed them out in an early brush with senility. They're mostly in fair-but-obviously-used condition, except the Ducatis which are mint. Pics on request, prices negotiable.
Feb 28, 2013 9:23 PM
Hey, all. Hardly a new poster, but I haven't been active on the forum for years (literally - I think I last posted in 2008). Just wanted to say I miss you all and I'm still lurking, so beware!
Apr 3, 2008 2:52 AM
I was worried I might have been forgotten.

I picked up a pair of white Canteens while I was missing. Seems like my willpower is weak anyway...
Apr 2, 2008 7:37 AM
Finally decided I'm only beating myself up with my anti-Lux boycott.

So anyway, here I am. G'head, tell me what I've missed... I haven't set foot in a store that sold Oakleys since... jeez, like, October.

I'm sorry. *sniff*
Jul 18, 2007 4:57 AM
It figures that as soon as I stop working for Sunglass Icon somebody else joins the O-Review that does.

Welcome to the O-Review. I worked at N01 at Downtown Disney in Orlando until December. You can probably still look me up in the Marketing Updates thingy on your register.
Jun 23, 2007 6:01 PM
ah. i see that the other shoe has finally dropped. you may or may not have noticed that i havent been around; i hope you guys understand why now.

i believe the story ends here- and i look at the o review and wonder what people who discover this content in 100 years will think.

its been fun, hasnt it? i think i need to visit a vault
May 19, 2007 5:37 PM
Used to have C-5 Square Wire 2.0s- too heavy on the nose.
Switched to Ti SW 2.0, much better.

Now I've got Split Thread, lens J- perfecto. Incredibly comfortable, and the frame is virtually bulletproof. The only downer is that I've scratched the lenses to hell because they're so exposed :(
May 19, 2007 5:33 PM

I like the way they look (especially the 3.0), but they're so derivative.
Oakley should be kicking out new ideas, not recycling Maui Jim/Silhouette's.
Apr 16, 2007 5:30 AM
Polished White Canteen came out last month, it's an Iacon exclusive.
Apr 16, 2007 5:28 AM
They'll charge you full frame replacement fee. $85ish :(
Mar 29, 2007 2:41 AM
Two years and one month exactly for me!

Can't believe I missed that.
Mar 29, 2007 2:38 AM
Goggle lenses are thicker, so I doubt you'd get them in even if they were cut perfectly.
Mar 21, 2007 5:19 AM
Technically, no. However, if you find a sympathetic O-store manager, and you're exchanging them, then probably.

But if you can go to an O-store why not just try them and buy them there in the first place?
Mar 20, 2007 7:29 PM
I'm a paralegal.

But before that, I was the top seller of Oakley plano sunglasses in the USA (2005 + '06, excluding O-store staff).

Mar 20, 2007 7:23 PM
A big hat.
Mar 20, 2007 7:23 PM
MD coverage is terrific. They're the same size as Straight Jackets in actual lens size and width and so on, but the frame is much bulkier.

They sit VERY close to the eye, though, so you may have to move them further out than usual.
Mar 18, 2007 4:03 AM
I like the original better to look at- but how many people (even here) can say they have a unique Tank?
Mar 16, 2007 6:26 PM
Also, +$29 for Half Jackets for beveling the edges.
Mar 13, 2007 6:05 AM
The hydrophobic solution is non-permanent but more effective, especially with salt water.
Mar 12, 2007 5:04 AM
Those "Hijinx" looks like Ray Bans. Ugh.
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