The number of O-fansditto this
The angles of approach to O-insanity
The opinions & preferences regarding styles & lines
The undescribable collections
The breathtaking displays
The amazing stories
The news, rumors, pics, information, details & specifications
This place truely is an awesome community first & foremost
But it is also a key destination for any kind of informationn
Be it a price, a colorway, a date of release, anything!
Reading about people's experience in acquiring, cherishinng & using (perhaps) a piece...
Seriously sooooooooooo much knowledge & information I've gained in here...unbelievable...but even crazier: it's only gravy on top of the awesome people I've met in here. At least for me - sharing the passion, sharing the love - is really what has kept me logging in for all these years.
As much as I envy some of you around here, I am always very happy for someone who's been after an item (or more), and finally acquired it, posts it & does the PW - people are proud.
And I don't see much of it as bragging or showboating, so much as I see enjoyment for sharinng the O-love. You can't put a price onn that. Even eBay couldn't put a price on that.
So thanks again to you o-review.
You really kick ass.
Remember when posts were counted under your avatar?Dude you're gonna make me feel like an ol' man haha
Remember members such as HootsJuliets, Preludicious, Cferr, HillenSnow(or Song, or something like that)?
Remember when no one had hit the centennial mark?
Remember what the site setup looked like when it came out and when it got updated the first time?
Remember the two o-review podcasts?A few days ago I was chatting with Nik about "missing members"
Remember Tim Sparrow?
this place is home to all the of best people I've never met. I hope to one day though!Ditto