Jamey Bishop
Feb 27, 2010 1:01 AM
My name comes from the once secret side project Oakley had going on alongside the creation of Romeo. My skeleton was encased in the metal now known as X Metal and I was to be Oakley's champion in the war of inferior sunglasses. But abruptly, the project was cancelled and I was turned loose into the world. I now reside here in the O Review.

Just kidding, I really like X Metals and I'm of the male variety. Pretty cool story that I made up on the fly though lol.
Nik Gutscher
Feb 27, 2010 5:42 AM
Nice Jamey! Stick with the story - Not only do I believe but I'm telling everyone!
Thread Killers
Feb 27, 2010 11:12 AM
Did you get a couple sets of cool X Metal claws, too?

James Hounslow
Feb 27, 2010 3:01 PM
Houns is my nickname (its the start of my surname) "the 2nd" came about after my old login of Houns timed out and Dann couldn't get it back, so i've been a member much longer than it says there <<<<
David Chang
Feb 27, 2010 4:06 PM
Also because it's the name of a 1986 album by Van Halen
Great band... isn't 5150 a type of rum too?

TallCoB sounds bad so I chose BiG
AH..... I see. For a while there I thought Francois was a "movie" star (of the mature variety)...

As for my username. I usually just use Dave Chang for all the other forums tha I've joined where I planned to stick around.

DWCFASTRICE is a username that stems back to 1998-
dwc- my initials
fastrice- stands for Fast Rice Raing the motorcycle road racing team I used to race with.

those days are long gone but that name has survived.

I'm more dwcSLOWrice than anything now.

Justin "Scorpion Zero" Jones
Mar 1, 2010 4:34 PM
Awesome stories.

I just have this name because I use it for everything. It was a nickname given to me when I was in middle school and since my last name is Jones it just made sense to keep using.
Paul Court
Mar 2, 2010 2:16 AM
My username was something I thought up whilst on a year break in Aus in 2000: it's actually my username for Ebay also, I liked the play on words.
Hans Bak
Mar 5, 2010 11:45 AM
Well, not much of a story on my side... It's my last name and I try using it everywhere. Nice and short, easy to remember ;-)
Lee Silver
Mar 8, 2010 9:44 PM
Couple of older ones here;

martin g
Mar 11, 2010 6:45 AM
ruby:because it's my favorite lens color and skull:for the oakley skull

it's that simple

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