Would I still be brand loyal if they had an O store next door to every GAP?
Very tough, but probably not. It is bad enough that certain retail stores are getting them, and a butthole freakin' crap store (see link) has them authorized or not
http://www.lacuracao.com/ I think this place having Oakley is TOTAL BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keeping the image and reputation of Oakley is important and selling out to just about everyone will kill their street cred.
Would I be brand loyal is they started making all of their products in China?
Absofreakinlutely NOT!!!!! Again, it is bad enough that the manufacturing, QAC, and all in the bottom is basically "Little TJ", but to ship domestic jobs and so forth over to China like everyone else will kill it. You may as well be wearing some Gas Station crap since it will be generating jobs, tax revenues, and opportunity for foreign lands instead of here where it belongs!
Would I be brand loyal if everyone wore Oakleys?
My opinion of that is not that strong. No, I would not like to see a bunch of @$$hole gangbangers pimpin' the O, nor would I prefer to see anymore douchebag rappers wearing them either, but whatever floats their boat. I think again as it was already said, as long as there is enough separation, it's okay. I would never put a Montefrio, Dispatch, or any shape like that on my dome, so there is someone else who can and it won't bother me one bit!
It's too bad that some of this even has to be thought about, but reality is upon us, and I am sure at some point they have considered it if not done figures on it. I just almost feel ashamed to be an American these days. What was once the greatest country in the world, has now allowed itself to slip into an inferior position because of greed and lack of focus. It's really too bad. We have the resources, technology, and ability to be the world leader in virtually all areas, but selling ourselves out has taken precedence and has done permanent damage I feel. The loss of respect in the world community is hard to repair.