Ian Morris
Aug 20, 2009 3:15 AM
I have a Ballistic M Frame 2.0 with a grey Strike lens. I want grey polarized, so I can wear these in uniform and still have a halfway decent lens. Plain old grey just doesn't quite cut it for me, polarization would help cut overall brightness by cutting glare. An iridium coating is out of the question, because the lens has to be "non-reflective", which in this case means no mirror finish. The normal SI M Frame comes with the option of a grey polarized, but differs from the ballistic lens in that it lacks the upper hole for the top clip. There may be other differences, but I'm not sure. My question is this: Is it possible to get the normal SI lens and drill a hole to make them fit the ballistic frame? Or, since the additional clip comes off, can the Ballistics be worn with the standard SI lens? This might be a bit too specialized a question for our site, but I figure someone (Ken) might be able to shed some light...
Ken Siverts
Aug 20, 2009 5:25 AM
If I was at home I'd be in the SI's and M-Frames right now to see what gives. I won't be home until Saturday. I'll check then though!
lionel m
Aug 20, 2009 7:26 AM
You can take the clip off and just put a regular lens in it, works fine.
Brian Salazar
Aug 20, 2009 8:37 AM
What you are describing is exactly what I used to do before I started wearing Radars instead of SI M Frames for safety glasses.

As stated the normal M frames lenses work just fine. I would also strongly advise against drilling a hole in a lens. I tried that with an old scratched up lens and it did not go well. Its harder than you'd think to hold the lens securely without scratching it up.

As far as lens tints you might want to also consider VR28. Its a very underrated lens that works really well in a wide variety of situation. I know guys over here in Qatar who use it with no problems even in the harsh sun. They like it because they can wear it indoors too and still see very well.
Jason Boyles
Aug 20, 2009 10:21 AM
I believe drilling a hole in a polar lens would also mess up the polar filter. I'm not sure about the details, but that's why they don't offer the vented lenses is polar. I wear my SI 2.0's every day at work with a regular hybrid lens without the clip, and they work great :^)
Matthew H
Aug 28, 2009 5:46 AM
In regards to the SI M Frames, has anyone else ordered and received new nosepieces that won't fit on older lenses?
Jonathan Barlow
Sep 1, 2009 9:16 PM
I drilled the hole in a polarized lens and it fit perfectly with the clip and did not create any distortion. The hole size is 1/8". I "match drilled" by placing the ballistic lens over the regular lens and drilling through the existing hole. Neither lens was damaged in the process. You might want to debur each side of the hole by taking a few turns with a slightly larger bit, but it's not necessary.
Ian Morris
Sep 2, 2009 6:51 AM
Match drilling is a very good idea. I appreciate the suggestion.
Ken Siverts
Sep 4, 2009 6:18 AM
I've asked many of my LE and Military buddies what one thing they would change about the standard issue product line. Without exception, they wanted more color availability for the SI M Frames...for off duty. Most did not know that they could swap out the lenses of the O-Matter frames for replacement lenses of other colors.
Jonathan Barlow
Sep 4, 2009 6:43 PM
So last night I tried to drill the hole in my standard heaters, while placing a ballistic hybrid on top. Since the two are quite a different shape, I failed to line up the drill properly and the hole was off by a significant distance. Just a warning. I had no problem using two hybrids BTW.
Jonathan Barlow
Sep 5, 2009 8:46 AM
As it turns out, the clip is free to slide around, so even thought the hole was off laterally, it still fits fine. Huzzah!
Sep 6, 2009 12:08 AM
yea i have asked oakley for years for more colors and models in the SI line.

and before when they first started carrying bags, I asked them back in 07 to carry Icon packs, and about a month went by and they had them :).. Maybe it was because of me or maybe not, either way I bought another one any way
Sep 6, 2009 12:42 AM
The reason they do not carry other lens colors on SI is because they are against Military Reg. and the point of the site is to help out Military/Police ect with items they can use at work. It is not intended to be for a general discount on just any old thing. Thats also the reason the discount is not available In an Oakley store, to keep it from being used for items it is not intended for.
Sep 6, 2009 1:46 AM
yea that is what i figured, even most of the oakly gear on the SI site doesn't fall within AR 670-1 anyway because of the Oakley logos, and it really all depends on the unit anyway because unless everyone was issued oakleys, you cannot wear them. Or you might just be able to wear them out in the field but back in garrison they are not authorzed because of the whole uniformity thing.

and they have a few things on there for general use like when they had the flag icon gascans, those are totally out of reg but they carried them and a couple of other SI exclusive only items. So I know the don't just make things for operational use when they sell a few that are not uniform compatable, like thumps. So some of their gear is not just for work so if they are going to offer some non tatical/non work related gear, they might as well offer a wider range.
Steve Pieces
Sep 6, 2009 5:10 PM
The reason they do not carry other lens colors on SI is because they are against Military Reg. and the point of the site is to help out Military/Police ect with items they can use at work. It is not intended to be for a general discount on just any old thing. Thats also the reason the discount is not available In an Oakley store, to keep it from being used for items it is not intended for.
Bob Russell
Sep 8, 2009 4:37 AM
Not to derail the thread, but I went to the Ohio State-Navy football game this Saturday and attended a little feast beforehand which included the Navy cadets. I'd say about 5% of them were wearing SI O gear. I did see one guy with a Ducati pair of Fives though. I doubt those are approved...
Ian Morris
Sep 8, 2009 6:18 AM
Regarding AR-670:

For those who are ignorant, this is the Army's official uniform regulation:

Eyeglasses or sunglasses that are trendy, or have lenses or frames with initials, designs, or other adornments are not authorized for wear. Soldiers may not wear lenses with extreme or trendy colors, which include but are not limited to, red, yellow, blue, purple, bright green, or orange. Lens colors must be traditional gray, brown, or dark green shades. Personnel will not wear lenses or frames that are so large or so small that they detract from the appearance of the uniform. Personnel will not attach chains, bands, or ribbons to eyeglasses. Eyeglass restraints are authorized only when required for safety purposes. Personnel will not hang eyeglasses or eyeglass cases on the uniform, and may not let glasses hang from eyeglass restraints down the front of the uniform.

Most normal people would not care, but I have to set the record straight. Sunglasses that are issued are always authorized in uniform, with the exception of while in formation. An example would be Ballistic M-Frames.

They have to be non-reflective, with a matte frame. This includes icons.

Otherwise, it is up to the Commander's discretion. For example, there are two recruiters in my area that wear Half Jackets that are polished black with black iridium lenses. My wife, who is in Basic Training at Ft Jackson, SC has reported that her Drill Sergeants wear the same Half Jackets. I've trained her well, if she's describing Oakleys to me, just because she knows I'd be interested.

This thread did get derailed. I originally asked about drilling GREY POLARIZED lenses, so they would still be within regulation.

If you want more styles, pay retail price like every other person would have to. If you're getting SI frames, they are for uniform use. Deal with it, or give up the discount.

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