i Q
Jan 12, 2005 3:27 PM
I just heard of this from another thread on this forum. Now, what are the actual differences between a standard, say, Wire and an 'Asian Fit' Wire? I think the answer's obvious really (the shape of the frame and how it curves around the face...?) but I'd like to be sure.

Also, what Oakley models have been done in 'Asian Fit' and where can I get them? Being an Asian guy myself, I would think 'Asian Fit' would... well, fit me better.


Iggy Ball (Iggy - 1/12/2005 7:27:47 AM)
Jan 12, 2005 3:33 PM
Asian fit has a less sharp curve and larger nosebombs (correct?). I believe sometimes only the nosebombs are different.

AFAIK they are not available in North America and prob. Europe either.

So far:
Hatchet (curve + bombs)
Half Jacket (extra bombs)
Wisdom (curve + different bridge)
A-Frame (curve + different bridge)
I think I've seen the Splice with smaller bombs too (on Yahoo Auctions Japan)

I'm sure our Japanese friends can help out with this better than myself.

E C (EastCoast - 1/12/2005 9:03:01 AM)
chris lee
Jan 21, 2005 6:41 AM
has there been any confirms on this topic. Also to add can you buy the "asian" fits in the states?

chris lee (brooklyn - 1/20/2005 10:41:44 PM)
Eddy C
Jan 21, 2005 4:12 PM
Hatchet is the only model that I know for sure has an Asian Fit version with less curve and larger nosebombs. See the link below:


Other models may be out there, but I've never seen pictures.

Phil and I have been calling O and trying to get the Asian Fit nosebombs for our Hatchets, but apparently they are not available outside of the Asian markets.

Ed Chiu (eddyc - 1/21/2005 8:11:05 AM)
Wilson Ng
Jan 23, 2005 9:42 AM
i think i've see asian fit Wisdoms and A Frame goggles somewhere, i remember seeing that it had thicker face foam around the nosebridge area.

i just wish Oakley offered a larger selection of different sized nosebombs, that'll solve some problems.

W.B. Ng (bong - 1/23/2005 1:42:30 AM)

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