Derron Tanner
Jan 3, 2009 12:02 AM
This week I saw a guy in line for popcorn at the local movie theater and I swear he was wearing a T-Pain Oil Drum, if there is such a thing. It had Oil Drum lenses and the arms of a gen 1 T-Pain Oil Rig. Could it just be a custom? Or were some T-Pain Oil Drums actually produced? I've never seen anyone here in my state wearing a pair of custom O's so I thought it was a little strange. They definitely look authentic. I have 3 pair of gen 1 Oil Rigs, so I think I could spot a fake rig or drum.
Dustin Farlow
Jan 3, 2009 12:06 AM
sure it wasn't the lil jon oil drums? they are almost identical to the t-pains except they are drums not rigs
Joey Bravo
Jan 3, 2009 4:15 AM
he may have just swapped the ear stems.
Derron Tanner
Jan 3, 2009 8:25 AM
I looked at them quite a few times to make sure they had the black trim along the bottom edge of the earstem (like the T-Pain does). I couldn't see if they had the little black hand design because his hair was in the way. Oh well. I guess I'll never know. I should've said something like "Nice T-Pains!" just to see what he would say. I guess I chickened out.
Eric Arsenault
Jan 4, 2009 12:38 AM
I think that Joey has the answer, the arms were probably just swapped.
male gigolo
Jan 4, 2009 5:49 AM
i was at the local O-STORE today and the new T-PAIN has the raised O logo with no black trim on the sides anymore and the bear is on the right earstem and the ok sign on the right ear stem

it is ALL white now with black lenses.

also, the new NICKY HAYDEN has the updated arms also.

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