Harry in Poland
Harry .
Aug 27, 2007 11:31 PM
Which case will fit which of the Whys? From what I can make out the Why 1 and Why 2 will fit into a small soft vault, the Why 3 will fit into a large half soft vault (if I can find one) and the Why 8.1 and 8.2 will only fit into the X-metal soft vault (which is pretty bloody stupid, such a huge case for such small glasses!).

Anybody want a pair of the Why 3 with titanium frame and ruby clear lenses? I know a shop which is selling brand new pairs for $200. Either PM me or post here and I'll PM you (don't want to post a link here until my own order for 2 pairs has been confirmed!)
Archer O
Aug 28, 2007 2:59 AM
Thanks for your all your effort.
Harry in Poland
Harry .
Aug 28, 2007 1:34 AM
I just want to make it clear that I'm not selling these ruby clear Why 3, I just know a place which is advertising them for sale.

As I've told the members who have replied, if we can get a few people to order perhaps we can do a group buy. I don't know how much (if anything) we'd get off the price, it's already 60% below retail but if you never ask, you never get! Perhaps they could do free shipping or something. I've sent an email asking about it.
Justin "Scorpion Zero" Jones
Aug 28, 2007 2:59 AM
Why 8.2's only fit into X-metal cases/vaults. The points that stick out near the temples when closed cause these to be incredibly long glasses when not on your head.

This is actually the topic of my very first thread and the reason why I stumbled upon the O-review....my wallet hasn't been the same since.
Harry in Poland
Harry .
Aug 28, 2007 7:37 PM
I've just been on the phone to the shop. They have "loads" of these glasses. They weren't willing to do a group buy unless all the glasses went to a single address and I for one am not willing to be the person to organise that. However, they have agreed to give a 50% discount on postage to anybody who identifies themself as a member of o-review.com and asks in the additional comments box on the order form for the discount on postage. You might be able to push for free postage if you take two or more pairs and probably be able to get it on a three+ pair order.

Eric Arsenault
Aug 29, 2007 2:23 AM
I have a case chart at home, will check it tonight.

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