Hip to be Square-O
Jun 18, 2007 8:41 AM
I'm hoping someone can answer a question for me. I'm about to send a payment to the UK and I'm wondering if US checks or bank money orders are cashable there, or if I would HAVE to wire the money or use Paypal.
Philip Barket
Jun 18, 2007 9:00 AM
I want to say you can get international money orders at the post office or perhaps it was more like a cashiers check from the bank. Check with both. It's been a real, real long time since I had to send any paper payment, but when I started on ebay I had a lot of overseas purchases and would use one of the above. And I only ever used the USPS MO or a cashiers check so it had to def be one of them.



Hip to be Square-O
Jun 18, 2007 4:42 PM
Thanks Phil, looks like it'd have to be a bank MO then to the UK.
Jun 18, 2007 6:15 PM
I remember from long long ago when I received a US cheque that I wanted to cash at my bank, I had to pay a processing-fee.
Hip to be Square-O
Jun 18, 2007 6:27 PM
I wonder if the same is true for a bank check in leu of a personal one? I'll ask them today. Thanks Ed.
Darren Taylor
Jun 18, 2007 8:29 PM
i think you should be able to transfer the money from your account to a british one, you'd need to ask the british account holder for their account name, number and bank sort code, there may be a small admin fee, but i've done this from the uk to other countries without any charge, you may have to go into the bank though...
paul mcj
Jun 18, 2007 8:35 PM
Yeah, often times there will be a processing/collection fee for something like this. It's not so much whether it's a personal check, money order or cashier's check - it's more based on where the institution that the item will clear from is located. So since most any of your paper payments will be clearing in the USA, I would guess it's likely your recipient may be charged a fee. Same reason in my ebay dealings I only accept MO/CCK payments clearing on a USA institution.
Hip to be Square-O
Jun 19, 2007 3:26 AM
Yeah you're probably right Paul. Wiring seems too invasive, and services like Western Union charge way too much in fees so, as much as I hate it, it looks like paypal is the best choice. At any rate, thanks for chiming in guys.

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