Apr 4, 2007 6:43 AM
I just got back from the vault in Round Rock and ended up with a new pair of red/fire iridium straight jackets. When I was there, the sales person talked me into (not very hard) purchasing a "custom case" that came with the cleaning kit (I needed a second one anyways). Inside of the box (it is huge, maybe 8"x6"x6") it has a dvd (I haven't watched it yet because my computer is being annoying) and a card for free lense etching. It doesn't have instructions to redeem the lense etching, anyone know what I have to do?
Joe Sumney
Apr 4, 2007 9:08 AM
We sell the gift boxes in store, so people can redeem their etching in store. I'm not sure if you can redeem it online or if it has to be done in an O-Store. Can try calling in the order and give the code on the card if you can't do it on the website.
Jeff Oakley
Apr 4, 2007 10:10 AM
you might be able to call it in, but i think you'll need to go back to the store. the way it's supposed to work is, the glasses are not supposed to leave the store. they are supposed to be shipped out for etching FROM the store. that way, you can't damage them and then blame the damage on the company.

apparently a lot of o-store employees are not being trained properly in this process. when i bought my custom crosshairs and the custom case kit, they told me i could take it all home and think about what i wanted etched on the lens, and bring it back when i was ready. but it's not supposed to work that way. fortunately they still let me redeem my certificate and they sent my glasses out for me.

hopefully, since they technically made the mistake, they will still let you redeem yours too. i imagine this same scenario is taking place at lots of o-stores and i would think they would be just as flexible about it as my local store was.
Oakley Fan
Apr 4, 2007 11:07 AM
I heard from a fellow OR member that you can call the order to Oakley and you have to fax them the card. I still have mine, I will not order my custom for another week or so. I've had it since the first of the year.
Joe Sumney
Apr 4, 2007 3:59 PM
Jeff, technically the etching isn't supposed to be done on anything made in store, ie they're not supposed to be put together and then sent out for etching. The entire order is supposed to be entered in the computer to corporate, they etch the lense, put everything together, and mail it to the store for pickup.
Apr 4, 2007 6:45 PM
okay...hopefully they will let me do the etching still. I haven't decided which pair of glasses I want etched yet nor what I want on them. All of the people in the Houston/Austin/San Marcos/Round Rock O-stores/Vaults are pretty cool, so I'm sure they will do it for me.
Joe Sumney
Apr 4, 2007 10:01 PM
Collier, just remember it has to be on a new pair you buy at the time. If you take in something you currently have and try it, it won't happen.
Jeff Oakley
Apr 4, 2007 11:59 PM
ah, i see. thanks for clearing that up, joe. apparently there was even more confusion amongst o-store employees than i thought.

and collier, i must have glossed over this (major) detail before in the original post, but i just realized that the salesperson talked you into buying the custom gift kit to go with a stock pair of glasses. that seems a little shady on the salesperson's part.

the whole custom gift kit / free etching certificate thing seems a little awkward. different stores, employees, and customers are being told completely different things.
Apr 5, 2007 5:22 AM
Hmm...well, that is okay...I buy a new pair of glasses pretty frequently so I'm sure I will redeem it sometime. Does it have to be a custom pair or can I just buy lenses for a pair I already have? I have a huge head and there really aren't any custom ones that I like the fit of (except for the juliets, but I have a pair of carbon/ruby already that I love and I would NEVER etch the lenses).

Yea, he told me that the new case came with the cleaning kit and that there was a dvd in there and a cert for the free etching. I actually like the case so it isn't really that big of a deal either way.

Hmm...well, I know that a good many of the Round Rock/San Marcos Vault and the Houston/Austin O-store employees run around this forum, so hopefully everyone will get the memo on what is supposed to be happening.
Joe Sumney
Apr 5, 2007 7:15 AM
You can only redeem the etching with a completely new order. We were told to only sell them with a minimum gift card purchase of $120 because it's made to go with the gift card. Whole idea being to get the interest flowing for the Custom O program. Scenario: Get a gift card for someone, "ooh, they might like to get a custom pair and their lense etched too, lemme get this gift package for them."
Apr 5, 2007 8:31 AM
So it has to be a custom, it can't be a stock pair?
Dann Thombs
Apr 5, 2007 3:34 PM
Yeah since stock pairs can't be etched anyway. Basically look at it as them throwing in the etching for free on an OCE order.
Apr 5, 2007 5:02 PM
Okay. Then that might not be happening :) I'm not in love with any of the OCE pairs at the moment.
sees you
Apr 5, 2007 6:36 PM
With over 2700 possible options (not includin Asian fit) you can't find one you like?
Brian Salazar
Apr 5, 2007 6:48 PM
Umm...ya! I'm not real crazy for any of the OCE either. None of them fit me very well. If they would let the rest of the X Metals into the OCE I would LOVE it and go crazy but until then I'm still waiting.
Jeff Oakley
Apr 6, 2007 12:56 AM
i'm not into most of the OCE styles either. i'm only into certain frames... the only ones i really dig in OCE are the crosshair and spike. they need to get some more frames into that program, namely oil drum, eye patch, warden, square wire, and big square wire.
sees you
Apr 6, 2007 1:41 AM
I'd be down for some OCE Wardens!
Apr 6, 2007 3:48 AM
I have a big head, hence my colection being mostly bigger frames. I don't like most of the OCE frames because they don't fit me well.

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