I Brennan
Feb 25, 2007 6:50 AM
Ferr, this is for you.
You might notice something a little different about my collection this time...let me know if you can spot anything out of the ordinary...(maybe something really w-i-d-e)

Oh, and Dann, I wonder if you can make a new category in the Hall of Fame....a Triple Wide Club!!! I'm sure I will have company.

Thanks to JM-great guy, excellent collection-watch out for him!

Ollie S.
Feb 25, 2007 7:01 AM
Holy crap!! Awesome...I'm speechless....

nice SI trinagles :)
Feb 25, 2007 7:07 AM
Lol... even that wasnt big enough for you.Very cool collection.
www.drchop shop.com
Feb 25, 2007 9:00 AM
HOLY S*$T That is awesome! Now that is a sweet display and HUGE...
Hip to be Square-O
Feb 25, 2007 9:01 AM
Amazing stuff! If I could only have one display case (and I have NONE), it'd be that one.
Jumpman23 Mamba Triple Ocho
Feb 25, 2007 10:36 AM
Awesome. If only I could....
Big Diamond
Feb 25, 2007 11:10 AM
How many clear bobs do you have? I count 3 in the background. Looks like there's more... any group photo?
www.drchop shop.com
Feb 25, 2007 11:14 AM
I noticed those too!!! I would love to lay hands on one of those!!! They are so hard to find, almost as hard ad
chris ferrario
Feb 25, 2007 4:51 PM
very nice, now you just have to ship all your other display stuff to me. can you say HUGE!!!! wow, what are the measurments on that bad boy??
EJ Man
Feb 25, 2007 6:47 PM
Yikes those triplewides are insane, sweet pic
marcel rijsdijk
Feb 25, 2007 9:05 PM
that is sweet, it is hard to get a cube, now imagine a triple wide.
Robert Lake
Feb 25, 2007 9:37 PM
Very Nice collection Brennan..that is only the second triple wide I have seen in someone's collection..CHEERS!
www.drchop shop.com
Feb 26, 2007 12:13 AM
Tower envy, that's pure and simple...
Feb 26, 2007 2:27 AM
Super nice tower u got there Brennan, congrats man !
I Brennan
Feb 26, 2007 3:22 AM
Thanks for the compliments...

Ferr, this bad boy is 53 inches wide!!! Crazy.

Some nights it's a tough crowd on here, and I felt I really needed to pull something off that would turn a few heads. This is probably the biggest hardest haul I will ever get, so I need to savor this for a while.

Wilson Ng
Feb 26, 2007 3:31 AM
wow... nice stuff! i'm thoroughly jealous, this coming from a member who has no tower at all. congrats!
paul mcj
Feb 26, 2007 4:09 AM
Triple wide ... triple clear heads + all that metal in the bottom shelf. Just awe-inspiring. I'm happy for you and pissed off at the same time - which happens a lot for me on this site.

But what surprises me the most - no close up of the prototypes with the triple wide?!?!

I Brennan
Feb 26, 2007 4:17 AM
I couldn't justify putting them in there amongst the madness. They are in a cube on their own....thanks for noticing though (wince).

BY THE WAY: Can anyone tell me about the triple wide...how many were made, and were they for OPD's only???

If anyone has any relevant background on it, please let me know.
marcel rijsdijk
Feb 26, 2007 4:40 AM
it's the first i saw, and i think one of the few maybe.. or only one i ever will see, too,
congrats, again.
do you need a third kidney ? or something,..

Feb 26, 2007 4:50 AM
Sweet score bro..... I would love to have one of those babies..... Very jealous...... I love the rare things that not too many people have / nor have seen....... Congrats bro.........
Mike Bahr
Feb 26, 2007 6:51 AM
" he with the Biggest cabinet Wins "

Sensational pick up there....much envy in these parts now!

As for the number of Triple Wides..well I'd gather there would be a few floating around. I know were 3 are:
1. FP
2. Brennan2X
3. Downtown Duty Free Perth WA. (no how to aquire that one)
www.drchop shop.com
Feb 26, 2007 7:57 AM
I know of 1 outside of the review...Not even sure it would be available, but I can ask. They are very rare since they weren't that common to start with. Huge, heavy, and take up a crapload of space, but demand every bit of attention...That is a club all in it's own. Triples and Stretch are not the norm at all. Congrats to all who have one, the clear heads are nearly as hard to grab too!

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