Guilherme Inoue
Jan 29, 2007 10:01 PM
Finaly my friends!!!

Brazilians can celebrate the first O-STORE in Brazil!!!

As many people know Oakley is having great results in the past fill years in Brazil...
Since 2002, when Oakley Established a Brazilian Subsidiary, Oakley grew about 40% in brazilian market. In 2005 Oakley Brazil had a great result when it won the award of "Best Subsidiary" in the 7 topics it had the best result in 5 of them... (Sunglasses, Prescription Glasses, Watches, Shoes and Clothing, just lost in Acessories and Eletronic Products) since them Oakley saw that Brazilian Market had potential to have one O-Store.

Brazilian O-Store is located in Morumbi Shopping in São Paulo it has 200m2...

The bad thing is... The prices are the same as before so we still have to pay R$1800 (Reais) for a Juliet or about US$850 (USD) or €650 (Euro)... But the store is preatty cool people should visit it... :)

marcel rijsdijk
Jan 29, 2007 7:34 PM
i heard about the prices over there , tourist coming over here and buy like crazy..

congrats man

post some pics soon
Guilherme Inoue
Jan 29, 2007 7:56 PM
Yeah I was suppose to post some pictures.. but I wasn't allowed to take some shots... and take them with my cell phone the quality would be really low... (hate VGA cameras) but... I'll find out a way to take the shots (and I guess they will be the first pictures ever of that store I can't find anything in internet about that store yet :P)

Yeah Brazilians really go mad in O-Stores in US... eBay is a really good option to us but... there is the risk of scam :(

For example... I need to change the earsocks of my Ichiro 51 Emerald Slate... But I just can't... cause in US they cost US$9... here (as they are green...) they want me to pay about US$25 so its cheaper go to US them make the maintence in here :P
But not everything is that bad... Oakley have it own factories in Brazil so we have for example clothes adapted for brazilian use... Cause it would be dummy sell lots and lots of gears for snowboard where the average temperature is 77ºF...
And with the production in here the prices get lower... and many of products are produced for exporting so you can see for example that now the shoes have Brazilian sizes too...

marcel rijsdijk
Jan 29, 2007 8:05 PM
well mate i live in the caribbean, and we do get a lot of brazilian turists...

and it is true, some prices are so nuts overseas.

and yeah we also don't get a lot of none winter jackets..

or to say we don't even get a lot of clothes..

we must live with it.
Eric Arsenault
Jan 29, 2007 8:41 PM
Thats cool Guilherme, let us know if they ever have any exclusive like a shirt, a sticker or a pair of sunglasses exclusive for you guys.
Guilherme Inoue
Jan 29, 2007 10:01 PM
Have some exclusive stuff we have.. like caps, t-shirts and stuff (still have no glasses... would be sweet have one signatured juliet of Bob Burnquist that is a Brazilian skateboard legend, and is (or was... i don't know) of OAKLEY SKATE TEAM)...
Some are really nice like the contest that has just finished http://host.agente.com.br/hardshell/ where you could send ideas of "skins" for the hardshell backpack..
and the TOP 5 won HardShells Backpacks with they own skin!!!! Results can be verified in the link...
thats nice.. but only those that have curiosity of acessing the URL of OAKLEY BRAZIL (that really sux cause it don't have anything else them "where to buy", "contact us", "subsbribe of newletter" and sometimes like now "contest area" everything else you have to acess US OAKLEY website... ) gets knowledge of the things that are going on...
Justin "Scorpion Zero" Jones
Jan 29, 2007 10:17 PM
Wow, any reasoning behind that insane price of Juliets and other eyewear?
Guilherme Inoue
Jan 29, 2007 10:27 PM
Yes, Brazilian importing fees are too high and too much burocracy... I guess u got a picture already :S

I Con
Jan 30, 2007 8:54 PM
Brazil has insanely high protective tariffs on just about any product imaginable.

Protects domestic industry, and all that, which is why automakers don't bother exporting cars for the Brazilian market and just set up factories there instead.

The problem with the Brazilian system is that the tariffs are applied to all sorts of products that they don't really have a domestic industry for, like eyewear.
Guilherme Inoue
Jan 31, 2007 8:50 PM
Icon208 Neil Ambekar, yeah dude... and who pays for it... is brazillian people that see other countries grow and we are left behind...

But that market protection have influences of LA market mainly of MERCOSUL (that means Commum Market of South Cone) that the members are Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela and some associated countries...
The countries of MERCOSUL have partner ship but at the same time have one strong industrie/market protection cause brazil is a menence for other countries for its size, market and other facts...
And there is one historical fact related to one radical nacionalism in militar ditadure when they wanted that brazilian industrie grow... And for that we have been isolated from the rest of the world...

Too sad but things are changing! and thats a huge step....
I Con
Feb 1, 2007 6:58 AM
Don't worry. You're still the world's biggest exporter of *ahem* jiggling female backsides.
Guilherme Inoue
Feb 1, 2007 9:24 PM
Yep... that and Soccer Players, and Orange and we have a big part of global wool production and soy exportation... we own the technology of extraction of oil on sea...
And just like US we explore out neighbours :P
But thats the stronger law... thats the universal law now days...


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