Nik Gutscher
Jan 9, 2007 6:20 AM
Anyone else hooked on this show besides me....?

Save the Cheerleader - save the world....
Philip Barket
Jan 9, 2007 7:08 AM
Are you on the list?
Nik Gutscher
Jan 9, 2007 7:47 AM
Heh... I Am!

Not very bright but superhuman strength and self-healing....

Jonathan Tung
Jan 9, 2007 9:25 AM
Yeah, Heroes is pretty neat, but I haven't had time to really watch it regularly.
Oakley Fan
Jan 9, 2007 11:24 AM
Man I Tivo that thing all the time since I'm usually playing with my kid before he goes to sleep, and it's on around that time, I haven't missed one yet. Can't wait for Jan. 22nd to arrive, it's gonna be wicked good.
Mike Bahr
Jan 9, 2007 1:08 PM

Nik....My wife and I have never been so addicted to a TV Show as we are to this one. We are big TV/Movie buffs and Heroes is No 1 on our list. Best concept i have seen in many many years.

All i can say is thankgod for Bittorrent and Downloading as it hasn't even started here in Oz yet
Philip Barket
Jan 9, 2007 7:39 PM
I honestly thought it moved quite slow for the first 4 or more episodes but once it got rolling I thought it was fantastic. I think they were trying for too many characters at once and didn't spend enough time on some to start. I do love it so no though.

Helps that one of my fav comic writers is a producer and that my fav artist does most od Isaacs paintings and comics. I hope all the limited run books NBC did for the San Diego con this summer get collected for the DVD release or something.
Jan 10, 2007 2:54 AM
Love this show! I love how Hero keeps seeing him self in the comics with a sword and is like "I need to find my sword!" The just need to work in some O product LOL.

So any of you want to start making predictions on what is going to happen?
Philip Barket
Jan 10, 2007 6:39 AM
Hiro will fight the Dinosaur. It's already been leaked in an interview with show creator. My friend thinks he'll get it, get into a sticky situation and then transport himself so far back...

Anyone notice the tattoo on Jessica evil Nikki and the same symbol is on Hiros sword! I can't wait to see what happens with Peter. He'll be big. Sylar big. They say he's more like a filing cabinet for powers and will learn to pull them up as he needs them. And Claire's dad.

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