Don't wanna be a party pooper, but if you go in the members section COLLECTION, it automatically compiles the amount that has been spent by each of us on O products. Now if you,re not too lazy to take the time to list your collection as a good and faithful O-Reviewer, it'll display it automatically, hence proving that this, once again, is a useless thread.
Sometimes it's not just a matter of laziness. Sometimes it comes down to available time and prioritizing.
We want to eventually have our O-Review Collection completely up-to-date, but our personal Excel spreadsheet is 1)more important to us, and 2)easier and far faster to update.
Sometimes, we get a new pair and just want to throw it into the online collection to show it off in the latest purchases thread. We'll then go back and complete the entry.
So even though Dawn and I can be pretty lazy at times, mostly this is a matter of "when can we finally collate all of the individual pieces that make up our collection inventory?"