I got a pair of the black violet ones. I really like them a lot. Honestly size wise they are not too different from the regular Crosshairs. I think the biggest difference is the way they fit. For me the regular crosshairs touch my cheeks, these ones don't.
The Base color is Violet and it grades to black (more like dark violet) You can see your eye through it very easily. It is not an extremely dark tint even with the black. I have tried the Berry/g30 black model and they seem to be darker overall just like my Dartboard Berry's. They are harder to see your eye through than the violets. Both are very classy looking.
In Europe we men are finally allowed - as in socially accepted without people thinking we're gay - to wear pinky colors. Therefor, I like the Black Violet combo and do wear it from time to time.
Now that Oakley has - at least in Europe - abandoned the flashy Iridiums, I'm glad the lenses have become more noticable. Therefor I'll always like Crosshair S over Crosshair.