James brown
May 20, 2005 5:27 PM
The first time I had heard of lil john was on the review and since then up until today only through the review.

That all changed when I saw him on MTV Cribs with his mates Lil Scrappy, Lil Bo and Big Sam talking about "edible drinks", how they entertain their "victims" and constantly asking MTV "U no wam sayin" whilst repeatedly whooping "Yeah".

I may be a little late in asking this but am I alone in thinking that this guy is a little off message for Oakley.

I know that Oakley is a company first and foremost and that they need to look at the bottom line (a phrase we constantly have to haul out after every "commercially accessible" disappointng release) but I would never have thought in a million years that a guy like that would be representing the O. Look at all the greats that Oakley have sponsored over the years and then look at this guy.

You could probably level a good bit of criticism at the likes of tanner hall as well but at least he is a bona fide athlete.

Then to top it all of I saw two pairs of Oakleys, one of which was lying on a table lens down.

Sorry all, forgive me my rant.
Twenty Fifty
May 20, 2005 5:39 PM
I guess they couldn't afford Usher or Ludacris.
Dann Thombs
May 20, 2005 6:02 PM
This is the work of Jim's son Jammin Jannard. He must be into hip hop or something and got this guy to give some free advertising. He seems to be dropping off the radar though, and even people who like hiphop don't seem to like him.
EJ Man
May 20, 2005 8:15 PM
Damn i was hoping for some more red camo.
sees you
May 20, 2005 9:44 PM
It seems like LJ is really an Oakley fan like he would wear them all the time even if he weren't sponsored but maybe that's what he wants us to think. All that aside, his special editions are still totally cool!
Brian Johnson
May 21, 2005 6:52 PM
David Banner (the guy from the first GasCan pic) has released some catchy tunes with titles like: "Cadillac on 22's" and "Like a Pimp"

Regardless of what you think about Lil John, he exposes Oakley to people who would never look at it seriously. I've noticed a few gangsta's asking for the "Lil John glasses" where they'd usually go straight to some crap "designer" product.
James brown
May 21, 2005 8:01 PM
Thats exactly my point. Sacrificing proffesional credibility on the alter of "commercial accessibility".

I am sure they could get a lot more exposure by sponsoring garth brooks with a signature Warden with a laser etched stetson on the lens but is that the direction O should really go in.

I know most would say this is "one mans opinion" and at the end of the day it doesnt matter what I think, but hell, whats next?

I just thought it was a little bit like FUBU or SeanJohn sponsoring Alfred E.Numan.

It would just miss its target by a mile.
Brian Johnson
May 21, 2005 8:43 PM
But given the recent tack that Oakley has taken with the fashion-oriented prodcuts, it's only natural for them to go to an urban demographic. While I don't want to see Oakley become known for that part of the market, I'd rather see someone spend money on a GasCan, Zero, or Dartboard than on some Gucci glasses.

Country singers wouldn't be the ones to sell O products (except maybe the WarWagon Dodge). But Rappers sell clothes and accessories, which happens to be Oakley's thing.
James brown
May 21, 2005 9:08 PM
Sorry Brian, I was just being facetious. I suppose my main gripe was that up until Lil Jon, oakley had marketed its products by way of sponsoring figures who were aspirational due to their sporting prowess. Now with Lil Jon they have crawled into the world of celebrity endorsement.

Look at the case of Burberry. An upper crust british brand with a heritage dating back to 1856. Almost 150 years after its creation it witnessed a sharp decrease in sales due to its association with a demographic which stood in stark contrast to its customary, long term clientele.

(see the thread on chavs)

I just wonder what will happen if in a few years every wannabe gangsta rapper in da hood is sporting a pair of O's.
I wil still be a fan but with the majority of the bottom line being contributed to by people who want an edgy sports oriented eyewear product how many jocks etc will wanting to be seen with a pair of the crunk community's finest eye protection.

May 22, 2005 3:23 AM
Many celebrities wearing Oakley today are wearing it cuz they choose too,not because Oakley is shelling it out. In fact, Lil Jon approached some of the boyz at the O, cuz he is a genuine fan. Without cats like Lil Jon, product like Thump wouldn't be here today, believe dat. Hip Hop is the biggest thing in entertainment today, more kids are looking up to rappers than atheletes now,David Banner, Da East Side Boyz, and LJ are exposing more people to Oakley than ever before, how can that be bad?
So stop hatin', ya'll betta recognize. Holla at ya boyz and get crunked up-
Jamey Bishop
May 22, 2005 6:28 AM
Dann, his name is seriously Jammin? You're serious? Jammin? What kinda crazy name is that? I guess with a name like that he was bound to like hip-hop.
OB session
May 22, 2005 7:21 AM
Its Jamin. I'm down with the hip hop scene embracing the O.
Jamey Bishop
May 22, 2005 7:28 AM
OK, that makes more sense. Yeah, I too am pretty down with the hippity hop and the O collaborating.
Dann Thombs
May 24, 2005 6:50 PM
I'm guessing, short for Benjamin. But I can't be sure.

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