EJ Man
Nov 4, 2005 10:41 PM
ok obviously i know nothing about music, im gonna come up with a list and let you guys clasify it, :) with my untrained headbanger ear most of the hard rock or hardcore metal sounds the same to me.
i do like a variety of music but tend to favour Rap, R&B but my fave is 80s stuff which NONE of my friends like, lol
Dann Thombs
Nov 4, 2005 10:46 PM
and to clarify, I have nothing against softer music, but when these 20 somethings think they have problems because they broke up with their HS girlfriend and now I have to hear about it, all while pretending to be tough guys, it's just sad.
Wilson Ng
Nov 5, 2005 12:11 AM
heh, thanks Dann. :)

Lex, music is such a subjective matter, there really isn't a right or wrong to it... ultimately its just what each individual likes. most of my friends tell me sometimes i take it too seriously anyway. ;)
what bothers me is that these days kids listen to all these new bands they see of MTV and when i try to suggest the origins of what they like; for example Sex Pistols for the Green Day fan, Kraftwerk for the Chemical Brothers fan, or Bauhaus for the Marylin Manson fan, they usually won't even give them a try and immediately slag them off. i can't say i'm big fans of artists that inspired my favourite bands (stuff like The Beatles, Pink Floyd, The Velvet Underground, David Bowie) but i do give them a listen and appreciate it... maybe even own an album or two.

if i'm not mistaken, the official meaning behind the term Emo is Emotionally Charged Punk. going back the the "feel sorry for me" whiney music, i guess i'm guilty for listening to The Smiths/Morrissey, LOL! but still, he's witty and smart... that guy from Dashboard Confessional just plain whines. ;)
i guess my fascination for The Cure also fits in, but most of what Robert Smith writes are stories, and usually not about himself.

as for classifying stuff, yeah... i like to analyze particular artists. and as for 80's stuff, yeah... i'm guilty of liking lots of 80's stuff. not just the cool alterna-new wave-modern rock stuff but also the cheezy Top 40 80's stuff as well. Lex, let's talk! ;)
adam _
Nov 5, 2005 12:39 AM
Well said Bong! Music is really very subjective. Personally I'm one of those people whose taste in music is wildly eclectic and mainly based on mood. Yes, I do have a few favourite bands but depending on how I feel, where I am what I doing then I can listen to and enjoy anything from Bobby Womack- Across 110th street (playing right now!) to The Who (the album 'Whos That' was the soundtrack to my commute this morning) and then Soundgarden for the commute home. And thats just one day for me! I vary pretty wildly really, which to be honest I love. I'm going to see a band called LCD soundsystem at a gig in December but I'm equally gutted that I couldn't get tickets for the Prodigy who are also playing the next day.

Now playing is the Jackie Brown soundtrack by the way, I'm trying to chill out a little! :)
EJ Man
Nov 5, 2005 1:29 AM
Bong, the wedding singer soundtrack gives you a very good idea of the 80s stuff i like.

i even got an album called electric 80s or something like that. its fookin awesome.
sees you
Nov 5, 2005 1:58 AM
See if you can nail me down. Here's what's in my MP3 player right now;
Alanis Morrisette
Rage against the Machine
Foo Fighters
Black Eyed Peas
Led Zepplin
LL Cool J
Britney Spears
Chilli Peppers
Metallica &
Tracy Bonham
EJ Man
Nov 5, 2005 2:26 AM
hmmm Tick that is so diverse i would swear its made up?
Philip Barket
Nov 5, 2005 5:24 AM
Tick just likes what he likes. YOu know, I went to see Foo just after you had and they were really great. Grohl had such a fantastic stage presence and really loves performing. Weezer however, they're done. At elast with me they are unless they accept Pinkerton for what it is, stop dissing it and start writing like that again.
Wilson Ng
Nov 5, 2005 9:26 AM
hey Ad, have fun at the LCD Soundsystem show! i've still yet to pick up their album, as well as Bloc Party. oh... and The Prodigy just came out with a greatest hits CD too, although i'm not much a fan.

Lex, i love The Wedding Singer soundtrack! lots of 80's gems in there, and nothing that i would be embarrassed about having in my collection. bands like New Order (Blue Monday), The Psychedelic Furs (Love My Way), and The Smiths (How Soon is Now?) were light years ahead of their time. prime Culture Club, Thompson Twins, and The Police are good too. yeah... i love 80's alterna-new wave-post punk stuff.

as for diversity, that's a great list you have there Todd. most of my music collection is mainly focused on UK Indie, but i do have varying stuff littered amongst it, stuff like Madonna and Kylie Minogue alongside Iron Maiden and Metallica with Jamie Cullum and Nora Jones. there's even a bunch of CDs i would not dare to reveal, lest i ruin my indie cred, LOL... i'll give one example: Yanni-Live at the Acropolis... *shhh*
EJ Man
Nov 5, 2005 2:20 PM
Bong, you forgot dead or alive, lol

also not from the wedding singer ST but sill an awesome 80s classic. flock of seaguls I ran.
american image
science wrapped in art dealer
Nov 5, 2005 4:05 PM
try this for an 80's flashback ; modern talking ; you can win if you want....

or Break machine - street dance
whistle - just buggin'
cameo - word up
curiosity killed the cat - down to earth
doug e fresh - the show
sees you
Nov 5, 2005 9:01 PM
I still love "Pass the Dutchie" from the Musical Youth on the 2nd Wedding Singer soudtrack
Wilson Ng
Nov 5, 2005 9:07 PM
love the avatar Todd, nice!

Phil, i gave up on Weezer right after Maladroit. the green album had some really good moments, but still has nothing on Pinkerton. it's brilliant from start to end, and nearly a flawless album. who know's why Rivers and co. completely diss it.

LOL... Dead or Alive, yeah... love "You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)", hey... it was a UK No. 1 hit, you know! and "Brand New Lover" is good too. as for A Flock of Seagulls, i'm guilty of owning one of their albums. i actually think "Space Age Love Song" and "Wishing (If I Had a Photograph of You)" is better than "I Ran." well... all those Grand Theft Auto: Vice City ads help anyway.

how about The Human League? i LOVE the League, LOL. from experimental beginnings to pop stardom and the fast crash. but their last album (2001's Secrets) was really really good, The Human League is very underrated.

for much more "of the moment" 80's stuff... i can offer:
Kajagoogoo - Too Shy
Berlin - The Metro
Jan Hammer - Miami Vice Theme
Mr. Mister - Broken Wings
Robert Palmer - Addicted to Love
Bananarama - Cruel Summer
Afrika Bambaataa - Looking for the Perfect Beat
Harold Faltermeyer - Axel F (famously butchered by that Crazy Frog crap!)
Herbie Hancock - Rockit

and yeah... thanks for reminding me of Cameo, Fred! LOL... "WORD UP!" how about their other hit "Candy?"
Wilson Ng
Nov 5, 2005 9:09 PM
oh yeah Todd, "Pass the Dutchie" was brilliant! another UK No. 1 hit, you know... :)
sees you
Nov 5, 2005 11:01 PM
Do you remember "Missing Persons" Destination Unknown & that video where she wears the clear bowl bra? I loved that..."Do you hear me? Do you care?
Wilson Ng
Nov 6, 2005 10:33 PM
oh yeah... i remember Missing Persons' "Destination Unknown." i believe i have that track on one of my Modern Rock of the 80's compilations. the singer kinda sounds like a chipmunk! for something more, umm... provocative, how about Berlin's "Sex (I'm a...)" complete with Terry Nunn's "moanings and yearnings." LOL. or something more zany like The Tubes' "She's a Beauty."
EJ Man
Nov 7, 2005 2:04 AM
totally Bong, i love The Human League
same with Robert palmer, i have alot of his stuff.
Bryan Fin7
Nov 7, 2005 6:09 PM
Just bought the new Kate Bush double CD, Aerial. Rave reviews in UK, But a bit hit a miss IMO, Maybe it needs a few airings.
Justin "The Mofoin' Man" Gandy
Nov 8, 2005 12:33 AM
ummm yeah this might not fit in... but i just bought a system of a down cd...
sees you
Nov 8, 2005 2:58 AM
Justin "The Mofoin' Man" Gandy
Nov 8, 2005 3:37 AM
yeah dude! i love it!... i was just sayin that my tastes in music are a tad different than most of you guys
sees you
Nov 8, 2005 9:17 PM
I'm anxious to hear the new one which should be coming out soon
Philip Barket
Nov 8, 2005 9:42 PM
Isn't Mezmerize the new one? Oh, it's part of a set isn't it. Hypnotize is next?

Anyone want to admit that they bought the new Neil Diamond today? I'm curious to know what it sounds like after reading a few good reviews.

As for myself, before I bought the Montefrios Sat I picked up Calexico/Iron & Wine "In the Reins". It's a lovely mix of Calexico's latinesque southwestern style backing Sam Beams low melodic vocals. An excellent pairing of a lead (Iron) and backers (Calexico) that sound as if they've been doing this together for a long time.
Dann Thombs
Nov 8, 2005 10:34 PM
Found a used CD store on the Cape, and was able to get tons of CD's for $5. Ended up getting a bunch of great Metal CD's. Napalm Death, Obituary, Venom ah yeah.
Wilson Ng
Dec 26, 2005 5:44 AM
every year my Indie Music forum/mailing list holds a "Best of the year" polls, so here are my choices for 10 Best Albums of 2005 and 5 Best Reissues of 2005:

10 Best Albums:
1 - Tears - Here Come The Tears
2 - Starsailor - On The Outside
3 - New Order - Waiting For The Sirens' Call
4 - Bloc Party - Silent Alarm
5 - Depeche Mode - Playing The Angel
6 - Bravery - Bravery
7 - Coldplay - Xandy
8 - Gorillaz - Demon Days
9 - Elbow - Leaders Of The Free World
10 - Supergrass - Road To Rouen
albums that missed out: Oasis' Don't Believe the Truth, Kaiser Chiefs' Employment, Franz Ferdinand's You Could Have it So Much Better, Kasabian's self titled, and Black Rebel Motorcycle Club's Howl.

5 Best Reissues:
1 - New Order - Singles
2 - The Cure - Faith
3 - Keane - Live Recordings 2004
4 - The Cure - Pornography
5 - Kraftwerk - Minimum Maximum


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