heh, thanks Dann. :)
Lex, music is such a subjective matter, there really isn't a right or wrong to it... ultimately its just what each individual likes. most of my friends tell me sometimes i take it too seriously anyway. ;)
what bothers me is that these days kids listen to all these new bands they see of MTV and when i try to suggest the origins of what they like; for example Sex Pistols for the Green Day fan, Kraftwerk for the Chemical Brothers fan, or Bauhaus for the Marylin Manson fan, they usually won't even give them a try and immediately slag them off. i can't say i'm big fans of artists that inspired my favourite bands (stuff like The Beatles, Pink Floyd, The Velvet Underground, David Bowie) but i do give them a listen and appreciate it... maybe even own an album or two.
if i'm not mistaken, the official meaning behind the term Emo is Emotionally Charged Punk. going back the the "feel sorry for me" whiney music, i guess i'm guilty for listening to The Smiths/Morrissey, LOL! but still, he's witty and smart... that guy from Dashboard Confessional just plain whines. ;)
i guess my fascination for The Cure also fits in, but most of what Robert Smith writes are stories, and usually not about himself.
as for classifying stuff, yeah... i like to analyze particular artists. and as for 80's stuff, yeah... i'm guilty of liking lots of 80's stuff. not just the cool alterna-new wave-modern rock stuff but also the cheezy Top 40 80's stuff as well. Lex, let's talk! ;)