Been a while but had another.
Got a call from Greg/GRF about some Shoeones he had in his store, so I drove down. Initially they looked the part, and figure grabbing another pair could never hurt. Defender was there running some official Oakley event, so there were a lot of employees around. I looked back at the shoes and they were actually the women's ones he showed me a while back, and didn't even have kevlar. They were on sale for $75, down from $130, but I didn't really want them at that point, but felt bad trying to say no. I said I didn't really have $75 on me at the time, but Greg didn't believe me, saying that with my collection, I must have so much money, there's no way I didn't have a ton of cash on me at all times. I tried to say I collected over a long period of time, but then all the O employees gave me a shameful look of distrust.