Mar 1, 2005 10:19 PM
I visited an SGH that I was last at 2 years ago. I think they had the exact same selection of X-Metals. Don't ask me how I can remember a selection from two years ago.

Anyway, for those of you who work at an Oakley dealer, how long can pairs sit there without being sold? These lonely, unwanted rims, just waiting for a new owner... *snif* ...maybe I should give them a new home. : )

E C (EastCoast - 3/1/2005 3:49:14 PM)
Philip Barket
Mar 1, 2005 10:48 PM
Some SGHs can have an X-Metals sit there for a while. Even a year or more. Depends on the area the store is in. What's worse is some of our Juliets are in terrible shape for how many people that try them on. Extremely loose. I swear or Emerald pair is scratched. The X-Metal/Black pair is the one that moves more so than the Plasmas.

I've even found all 3 gens of Half Wires in my store in the last two weeks because of how long a pair may sit in understock and which one is grabbed or replaced when a pair is sold. Or even where it is the SGH warehouse.

Phil Barket (kingphilbert - 3/1/2005 2:48:53 PM)
Twenty Fifty
Mar 1, 2005 11:06 PM
I don't work at a sunglass store, but I've visited a sporting goods store that still have OOs left.
I Con
Mar 2, 2005 7:28 PM
My previous store had a pair of Ruby Juliets sitting in the X-metal display right up until November. At the time I wasn't solvent enough to buy them myself... but I did at least get to be the one who sold 'em.

We also had a pair of Eye Jacket 2.0s (which were godawful looking) sit in the store for almost two years.

Neil Ambekar (Icon208 - 3/2/2005 11:28:25 AM)
Mar 2, 2005 8:55 PM
We also had a pair of Eye Jacket 2.0s (which were godawful looking) sit in the store for almost two years.

Sacrilege! I like my 2.0s - though they would have way more potential with current frame/lens offerings i.e. Plasma/Gold, Bronze/Ti, Red Camo/Black, Copper/Whatever (drool)

Anyway - it looks like a pair can sit on the shelf for a while. What then is the oldest pair anyone's seen from a dealer? Right now there's OO and EJ 2.0 in the running.

E C (EastCoast - 3/2/2005 2:25:42 PM)
I Con
Mar 2, 2005 9:04 PM
Actually, I screwed up- they were 3.0s, not 2.0s...

Metallic black, but with black iridium, not grey. I think we shipped them back because the lenses were scratched, and since they were long since discontinued they just stuck in the first set of 3.0 lenses they could find.

I wound up selling them for $50.

Neil Ambekar (Icon208 - 3/2/2005 1:04:45 PM)

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