David Y.
Feb 25, 2013 10:38 PM
I just bought a pair of Pennies (Penny's?) and want to get a case for them. I have X-metal soft vaults for my Juliets, but those seem too big for the pennies. Has anyone found a case that works really well?
Dann Thombs
Feb 25, 2013 10:59 PM
The small kevlar soft vaults would work well.
David Y.
Mar 4, 2013 8:04 PM
Well, I got the Pennies in the mail over the weekend from the eBay seller. Very disappointed. The guys definitely did not do a full disclosure on his listing, so I'm going to have to try to get some money back via eBay's Buyer Protection.

Anyone here ever had to go through this process? Any tips?

I thought I was buying Ruby Pennies (with a minor lens defect). What I got was Titanium/Ice Penny frames with shoddy aftermarket red lenses covered in scratches.

The frames were listed as excellent, but are far from it. The right side of the nosebridge/flex coupler is completely loose. The left side appears to be broken and superglued back together.

This experience definitely has me soured on using eBay to buy Oakleys in the future.
.Greg .F
Mar 4, 2013 8:53 PM
Doubt you will get a partial refund through the process, better to return them for a full refund. Im dealing with the same situation on a pair I got last week. Seller offered a partial refund finally but told me I would have to wait. Well I didnt want to wait, seemed like a stalling tactic. So I filed a claim, now its return for a full return or live with it. Im still stuck on the fence on which way to go.
David Y.
Mar 4, 2013 9:09 PM
I'll probably go with a full refund then. I'm not savvy enough to repair the frame or turn it into a custom.
Dann Thombs
Mar 4, 2013 9:47 PM
Go for full, of you will have to guesstimate the rough 'partial' value of a ruined pair of glasses.
David Y.
Mar 4, 2013 9:59 PM
One other interesting note: The guy who sold this shipped the glasses and bag in a bubble mailer. No box. No padding.
Dann Thombs
Mar 4, 2013 10:08 PM
Had a mint Grip II box shipped the same way. Not happy
Adrian Jimenez
Mar 5, 2013 12:00 AM
Yea, the ebay horror stories are unfortunate, I've had my fair share as well, sucks so much.
David Y.
Mar 5, 2013 1:35 AM
So those of you who've been burned on eBay, do you still shop there? Or is there a better way to get discontinued Oakleys (other than the classifieds here)?
Jordan Heaney
Mar 5, 2013 7:54 AM
i've had my fair share, real pictures but ended up being fake, but i still buy the odd thing off of ebay. im very careful now what i buy and from who (feedback).

trouble is sellers on ebay mark up the price so much that i dont really bother. Id rather take the time to meet fellow collectors and do deals with them...much more fun/rewarding.
Twenty Fifty
Mar 5, 2013 9:10 AM
So those of you who've been burned on eBay, do you still shop there? Or is there a better way to get discontinued Oakleys (other than the classifieds here)?
Yep, been burned a couple times but still shop there. Being occasionally burned is just the reality of business. I don't think there're many who still have a perfect track record (either with eBay or PayPal) after completing a significant number of transactions. As long as it's super rare for a deal to go wrong, I'm willing to take the risk.

As for finding discontinued Oakleys, your fellow collectors are always your best bet as Jordan said. Some of my best stuff was obtained because of collector friends.

Adrian Jimenez
Mar 5, 2013 10:49 AM
I still look on ebay, just have to be careful, and even then a lot of things are crap-shoots. Finding good contacts that you're comfortable with is the best thing though. Could be certain ebay sellers or forum folks that you find, unfortunately as you find good folks to deal with you'll also run across people trying to make a quick buck, it's statistics, haha.
Dann Thombs
Mar 5, 2013 4:32 PM
Mirror what everyone is saying. I basically use ebay for the middle ground purchases. Brand new stuff, I grab at retail to support the company (we still do that right), and the hard to find stuff has to come from networking since the price gouging is out of control. That leaves the stuff that's a few years old and isn't in stores, but also isn't terribly expensive. There's enough of it, that you can be choosy, and the sellers are just offloading normal pieces, so it's just another routine sale for them.
David Y.
Mar 5, 2013 5:39 PM
Thanks, guys. Makes sense. This was my first attempt at buying Oakleys off of eBay, though I use it all the time for old video games (my other vice). Perhaps shooting for a ruby Penny was too bold out of the gate :)

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