Family: Metal Case

Keep the most exotic application of metallurgy and optics as guarded as the technology behind it. A heavy metal strongbox for an ultra-light alloy, this reinforced chamber comes padded with high-density protective foam.

thisguy -
This case is very nice. The rugged design with the bolts on the outside is cool. I have not traveled with it but it does take up some space so I don't think I will. Another drawback is the foam deteriorating. The X Metal logo on the front makes it even better.
anonymous -
As all previous reviews say, this is THE case. Nothing else is even remotely similar. It is of course big and bulky, but offers 100% protection and 750% wow factor...
Regarding the foam, I used a computer mouse pad for replacement of the bad 'bottom' foam. It looks almost exactly like the original but is much more durable and easy to replace.

Bottom line: If you have the X-metal, you should give them the case they deserve!
Marc Castillo -
Beautiful piece of design. There is no better display / case for my Romeo 1.0 sunglasses. They can take a lot of abuse while keeping my beloved Romeos free of damage. It looks 100% OAKLEY as well.
Firjoe -
It's an Awesome and special sunglasses case in the world. I never know another similar design with oakley xmetal. Unfortunately irt doesn't produced anymore...
Funky-Trixtar -
Great industrial design, rugged, angular. Shame about the foam. Would have been nice if they gave us something equally as long-lasting for wear. Seems a bit of a con: once the foams worn, you're looking at either finding another pair in mint condition or trying to knock up some foam that fits instead,'re looking at a max of fifteen years maybe eighteen, tops.
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