Family: Sport
Date: 1984-Spring 1994

Mass: 30g
Grey and Bronze appeared first, with Iridium showing up on Blades in 1987, then on the Eyeshade formally in 1988. Orange and Violet remained the consistent Iridium options for the remainder of the Eyeshade's life along with Grey.

Bronze disappeared in the 1990 Japanese Brochure, but was still available as an accessory option. The 1991 US price list still showed the Bronze colorways, but is was completely absent in the 1992 Japanese Brochure.

By the 1994 US price list, all colorways were removed, and only accessory lenses remained.

TL -
Frame: Black, Grey, Blue, Seafoam, Yellow, White, Red, Purple?
Lens: Grey, Bronze, Fire Iridium Vented, Violet Iridium Vented, Persimmon Vented, Clear
I can't say enough good things about this frame. Lightweight, durable, adjustable temple length, easy lens swap, hook stem option, replaceable foam and maximum eyewear coverage. What more can you expect from a piece of eyewear... it does it all! Still looking for the green frame and I'm beginning to doubt it even exists. To those who think its too big... try it on, it was instantly gratifying placing these on my face for the first time. Life is too short not live a little, go big once in awhile.
flippj -
Frame: black, white
Lens: orange iridium, violet iridium both vented factory pilot)
even watching greg lemond wearing these in the tour all those years ago, i wasnt a fan due to their large size.
ive never had an interest in getting any of these, but as my vintage collection grew, i came accross a mint pair with the original foam still in mint condition and for a good deal, so i got them.
im pleased i did, as on display next to my other vintage items, they look awesome and so another part of the oakley timeline is represented.
these are massive, but very light, great coverage and surpirsingly comfortable!
not one for daily wear, but cool for the old 80's school reuiniens!they have to get a 5 as this is what started oakley in the eyewear stakes.
Ian -
Frame: Blue
Lens: Grey

Sweet. I'm glad to have one of the original pairs. They will always hold a place of honor as the one that started it all...
banarno -
Frame: Black
Lens: Violet Iriduim

The one that started it all.
Originally named Oakley Lites, and also known as Factory pilot after the run of lenses with the logo painted on it.
These offered superb coverage for biking, but were a little over the top looking for the masses to buy in great quantities.

Very hard to find a nice example these days, especially with the foam still attached.
Frame: Clear
Lens: Violet

Not as flexible as other colors, but it was Oakley's first attempt at clear. The blue nosepiece matched the lenses perfectly.
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