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TL -
Frame: Black, Grey, Blue, Seafoam, Yellow, White, Red, Purple?
Lens: Grey, Bronze, Fire Iridium Vented, Violet Iridium Vented, Persimmon Vented, Clear
I can't say enough good things about this frame. Lightweight, durable, adjustable temple length, easy lens swap, hook stem option, replaceable foam and maximum eyewear coverage. What more can you expect from a piece of eyewear... it does it all! Still looking for the green frame and I'm beginning to doubt it even exists. To those who think its too big... try it on, it was instantly gratifying placing these on my face for the first time. Life is too short not live a little, go big once in awhile.
flippj -
Frame: black, white
Lens: orange iridium, violet iridium both vented factory pilot)
even watching greg lemond wearing these in the tour all those years ago, i wasnt a fan due to their large size.
ive never had an interest in getting any of these, but as my vintage collection grew, i came accross a mint pair with the original foam still in mint condition and for a good deal, so i got them.
im pleased i did, as on display next to my other vintage items, they look awesome and so another part of the oakley timeline is represented.
these are massive, but very light, great coverage and surpirsingly comfortable!
not one for daily wear, but cool for the old 80's school reuiniens!they have to get a 5 as this is what started oakley in the eyewear stakes.
Ian -
Frame: Blue
Lens: Grey

Sweet. I'm glad to have one of the original pairs. They will always hold a place of honor as the one that started it all...
banarno -
Frame: Black
Lens: Violet Iriduim

The one that started it all.
Originally named Oakley Lites, and also known as Factory pilot after the run of lenses with the logo painted on it.
These offered superb coverage for biking, but were a little over the top looking for the masses to buy in great quantities.

Very hard to find a nice example these days, especially with the foam still attached.
Frame: Clear
Lens: Violet

Not as flexible as other colors, but it was Oakley's first attempt at clear. The blue nosepiece matched the lenses perfectly.
Martin -
Frame: White
Lens: Violet Iridium
I bought these in 1989 after seeing Andy Hampsten (7-Eleven) wear them in the Tour de France - he looked so cool in them. The foam is long gone but otherwise my ones are immaculate after 18 years. They still come out to play for those retro riding days...
Ijon__Tichy -
Frame: Several
Lens: Several
I have/had several pairs, also some that aren't on the list (a violet Iridium one f.e.). I can't imagine someone ever wore them. Not because of the look, they just don't feel good - the stems are a pain for the ears and the front doesn't fit to my face, it's sticking up (the whole angle seems to be incorrect).

But I agree 100% that they look awesome in the vitrine, a real eyecatcher.
Dann -
Frame: Seafoam, Yellow, Black, Black
Lens: Grey, Fire Vented, Grey, Clear Vented

Uncomfortable glasses that best sit on the shelf. I didn't mean to buy this many, but deals came along that I couldn't resist. A display piece really, dispite the fact that most are scratched.
brian -
Frame: Black/Seafoam Green
Lens: Clear, HI Yellow, Grey, Black Iridium
Greg Lemond made these famous during the Tour De France in the 80's. I don't use them other than a collection piece. These are classic and even then the best eyewear on the planet.
american image -
Frame: blue and grey frames
Lens: grey

This was the very first eyewear piece i ever wore. great visionsystem. a trendsetting frame , when the lens removed , you can really twist the frame, and it comes back to it's original shape . great !
LEX7 -

Same comments as my review above about comfort and stuff but these look alot better with the yellow frame.
a great pair of classic RARE oakleys to add to any collection.
LEX7 -

Finally found a pair of these.
They look silly and very old fashioned, they are basically goggles with ear stems.
they look stupid when you wear them but look great in an Oakley display cabinet which is where mine are staying.
Chad Z -
Frame: White
Lens: Grey

I know that the white frame is not listed above, but I owned a pair!
Used only for skiing, as a lightweight goggle replacement, these were outstanding. The foam used on the upper rim of the frame was obtrusive at first, but quickly adapted to. The extendible ear pieces truly gave a custom fit.
They had a unique look (although the swatch glasses looked strikingly similar) and performed very well. If only my dog hadn't gotten a hold of them...
Oakley Factory Pilots!

First worn by Greg LeMond in the Tour de France, the Factory Pilots were the first eye shade that blocked all the bad rays and gave 180 degree coverage, but ALSO blocked almost all of the wind. Spending days in the saddle, this wind blockage was unique and suddenly the thing you couldn’t do without.

Well fashions changed and Oakley (chained to Fashion Herself) realized the goofy brow piece and Darth Vader-esque frame bottoms had to go. Everything since then has looked cooler, but not a single product works as well. I haven’t bought a single pair of Oakleys since.

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