Family: Belts

Comfortable efficiency design with genuine leather, 1.375? width and custom molded Oakley buckle with icon and brushed aluminum finish, embossed tip with logo detail.

ichibandidisan -
Color: Black

Design of the buckle deserves 5 stars from me, but as o-xide and sparra have pointed out, the leather is a disappointment. Looks great b4 you wear it. But once you do, edges wear off more substantially where it brushes against the buckle. And yes, the buckle does scratch easily, though visible only close-up. Still, great for formal or casual wear, so long as no one gets to scrutinize them up close!!! Not sure why anyone would. Perhaps when admiring your awesome-looking belt buckle?
warwagon -
Nice belt, styling is fairly straight forward, accented by the Buckle, Wish it could have been thicker ie: 2-2.5" wide.
sparra -
Color: Very nice belt, though I had to put another notch in for my thin waist! Slightly disappointed by the quality of the leather, seems to get worn quite quickly, but great style nonetheless.
o-xide -
Color: Black
looks like the money clip. The leather is not as nice as the belt 1 and metal buckle scraches easy but I would buy another one. I consider this to my formal belt like going to wedding and stuff
O-bandit -
color: black

i like to wear these with a suit... if i must...
these modell is not to huge or heavy and in this way you could combinate it with all kinds of pants:
even work pants
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