Family: O Matter

TheVault -
One of the most crazy frame color Oakley has ever released !

I used to have them in a Racing Jacket, and to this day, I regret selling it. Very aggresive in the color scheme and pattern, they mean business for sure.

The tribal frame is the closest frame we have to this one now.

Ed -
Daring and bold. The tiger print is just plain cool. I don't think I'll ever wear my RJ, but I'm glad I have a pair in this rare color.
Dann -
Gotta love it. There was a time when things were crazy. Sadly this isn't the case now, but you can still go back in time courtesy of eBay and a lot of cash. I finally scored one of these, and couldn't be happier.
Jay_X_Bee -
Good colour for the racing jacket. It makes it now a unbeaten combo.
LEX7 -
another one of the kick ass animal print colours, this is basically bengal but with red instead of orange, very rare and only ever came out on the gen 1 racing jacket.
i have been searching for this frame colour ever since i saw it in an O-vault store and stupidly did not buy them.
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