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These here are some of that original oakley goodness that encorporated little "O's all over the place, even the bottom rubber grip design are little "O's. I think these were my first pair of oakley shoes bought at an absurd price about 12 years ago. I have the 'FOG' version and over the years people have said they look like bowling shoes to golf shoes but I think they have that wierd look that goes well pretty much anywhere. they look bold and are comfy and still look great even though ive probly worn them a thousand tymes. These have almost been thrown out by my wife a few tymes and im not shure why ive kept them so long but stumbling onto this site i think i will keep them for a long tyme. these shoes are what brought me to oakley in the first place and i thnk that oakly should not stray to far from what is encorporated into this design, znd thats bad ass oakley goodness!
Allandy -
This shoes screams Oakley. Simple design, but cool. Soles are out of this world, just like other Oakley shoes. Well done Oakley...
DoctorCrip -
Color: Fog

Great pair of shoes - comfortable, cool-looking and pretty affordable. My favorite color would be the Fog, so I was very lucky to find a pair, and for a VERY good price. They also seem very well-made and should hold up for many years to come.
yoko -
Nice pair of shoes. I like how comfortable it is. Also, the sole being wide helps in the stability of my foot (I always mess up my ankles). Desigh is simple yet commands attention. I always see someone staring at it whenever I use a bus/train or in the mall.
bong -
Color: Black

very very nice pair of sneakers. they're very comfortable, with nice fat soles, contrast vertical stitching on the sides, and a sculpted O icon on the heel of the sole. they're eye catchers, and i always get compliments whenever i wear them.
EastCoast -
Color: Amber

Four pairs of Oakley shoes and I've yet to be disappointed. This is my favourite pair. This colour was not available on the website. If I could find these again in any colour I would buy them right away.
Fat comfortable sole, nice looks, two years old and still look good. Well done.
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