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hal0thane -
I don't know when these other comments were written, but I can tell you: This wallet does last a lifetime. (At least more than a wallet's usual lifetime.) I bought mine in 1999. Now, 12 years later in 2011, it's still in good condition (though I wouldn't say "very good") -- and I've used it nearly every day since then. I'm not the kind of person who takes my wallet out of my pocket when I sit, either. I sit on this hunk of leather, metal, and plastic all the time. All 350+ pounds of me. Is there any better test of the quality of this item? It is getting a bit boring, though, so I think it's time to find a new, smaller, alternative. Maybe it'll help my back pain, too.
Munkfish -
It is rather large, but then again, if you want small get the other Leather one. Useful becuase it has a coin holder, and is good for storing lots of notes, credit slips etc. Useful it you are planning a long trip. Very good build quality.
oogie -
Agree with all about the price, but I picked this up for my wife to replace her large kevlar wallet. It really is a step up and meets all her female wallet needs.
DisturbedEarth -
My wife bought this for me as a gift. It is very cool but just too big for me to carry around - had to have something a little smaller
Envoye Nounoune -
Very nice wallet, got this one for my girlfriend this christmas. Dann's right, it's pricey, 90$ cdn, but it seems to be very well made. Sure will last longer than my pickle.
Dann -
Color: Black
I had this special ordered from Newport Sunglasses. It's a bit pricey, but I don't think I'll ever have to buy a wallet again. I was waiting for my old leather wallet to die, but as ragged as it got, it still held together fine. So eventually I got sick of waiting, and grabbed this monster. I really do mean monster too, it's huge. It folds out into 4 sections, one for cards on either side, one for the snap flap, and the remaining two for a full size dual bill slot, a zipper for other items, and more card slots with flaps to allow photo inserts. Once folded up, it has a change zipper also on the outside for quick coin access. The triangle warning logo is on one flap. I've pretty much filled this wallet with stuff, but it can still fit more. It you have the pocket space, I'd highly recommend it. It's pricey, but how often to women get new purses. This at least will last you a lifetime.
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