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b2r -
White Text is a very nice color. Much better than plain white.
Ian -
I love it. I have very many pairs in white.
Dann -
A standard flat color that can be found on the old serilium frames and into the new generation of gascans and monster dogs. White goes with most anything, so it makes a versitile frame.
TheVault -
Like Jumpman says; its very bright and sharp, also very versatile, it will look good with anything.

I have this on my MD, wich I put the fmj red icons and the Ducati lens for a white Ducati MD look, pretty nice.

The only difference between this and the Pearl frame, is that the later one has sparkles in it for a shiny look.
banarno -
One of the old Virgin Serilium colours they used for the Eyeshades and Blades.
About as retro as you can get.
LEX7 -
i have this on the frogskins and despite it being white (my worst colour) it actually looks really good cos its so bright its not an off white like the pearl but a brilliant white like the top of a q-tip.
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