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Featuring small, metallic accents in its finish, Pearl stands apart from Polished White while offering a much more sophisticated alternative. Pair this frame up with any lens and you'll become an instant believer.
Ian -
The Pearl/Black Iridium Original Straight Jacket was what got me hooked on Oakleys. One of my favorite frame colors. Polished White does not compare to the beauty of the original.
jumpman73 -
I love this colorway. Its so hard for me to pass on anything made in pearl. One of my next pairs is going to be BTO Half Jackets in pearl and ti clear.
LEX7 -
Boring, its basically white but slightly glossy which is why they have called it pearl.
ivory is much much nicer.
Dann -
A basic white color to go on O Matter. Almost looks like it's not painted or coated.
BrianJ1888 -
A very nice color with the Fire Iridium lens. It's a nice neutral, light color that gives good contrast with both the black accents and the bright lenses. It's got a good deal of sparkle to it in bright sunlight too.
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