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b2r -
A neutral color that is not as dark as Black and darker than Silver. Goes very well with several lens colors. Looks best combined with black on two-tone frames.
TomG -
I have this option in the Pro Racing Jacket. Great pairing for Vented G30 lenses. Gives a sleek stealthy look.

Wookieman -
A great nuetral color that looks good paired with many lenses. It is a great alternative to boring old black while still being very conservative. I paired my dark grey flaks with a VR28 black iridium lens. Perfection.
DoctorCrip -
One of my favorite "standard" colors for my O Matter frames. It has a matte finish, which I prefer to glossy and it goes great with all of my favorite lens colors. As Pander noted, it also gives the glasses a metal-like look which is yet another plus.
LEX7 -
i would call this more dark silver, as it is quite metalicy, it is used on the ducati frames and i think works well. would prefer if it had a glossy finish though.
Pander -
It's a bit of a want-to-be metal. It has to look like a steel frame, but it isn't so it's a bit dissapointing.
RubyMars -
Not a terribly exciting frame. Unlike the black. Not quite as versatile with black, seems to work with neutral lenses like Black and Ice. Forget about flashy stuff like Fire. Also a good partner for G30. Looks almost Identical to Gunmetal FMJ, so if you're strapped for money, good alternative.
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