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Wookieman -
It's clear, it's clean, it's understated, but still screams oakley. It's a good alternative to white. I would love to see more frames in this color. How 'bout a clear flak?
Pander -
Very nice frame option for the Frogskins, not so sure about other frames.
Makes you focus your attention to a bold lens color and makes it look as if the frame is absent.
TheVault -
I Took a whiskey MD and took away all the paint to get a clear/Ti Clear/ silver icons, One of my favorite frame ever!

Its really something special to have that clear frame, it goes with anything while being original since theres nothing out there from Oakley at the moment, except on the goggles.

It can be done with the brown fade MD and with the black fade Monster Doggle.

It takes longer to clean since you see all the dirt and the sweat since its a clear frame.
jumpman73 -
Really neat frame. Pretty much goes well with anything and matches anything. Very unique.
banarno -
Another one of the Retro colours that has appeared on various styles throughout the years.
A nice one.
DarkJuliet -
You know, it'd be nice to see Crystal Clear again for a combination of the butt-ugly/what-the-heck appeal. Imagine a pair of Half Jackets in clear.
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