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JimBob -
Excellent lens to use when its overcast or raining - they brighten an otherwise dull day and have become my primary lens in these conditions. These lens are also excellent in the when you spend a lot of time in the shadows, such as in a city center in winter.

Everything has a yellowish tint through these lens - almost like everything is lit by firelight.

I would have given these 5 stars if they had stronger/ more reflective iridum coating - your eyes are clearly visible through these lens.
Iwan -
Obviously not for a sunny day but what a difference these lenses make on a drab day: they really make everything light up! Would prefer it though if your eyes weren't as visible to other people.
LEX7 -
spectacular lens, i love persimmon but dont find it dark enough. these are great for bright cloudy weather because of their black iridium coating.
if only this lens came in some more frames.
american image -
very good if you're in the car and it is not so bright anymore, very comfy for the eye
bong -
i have these in a pair of Square Wire 2.0 SH... very nice lenses. perfect for those bright overcast days where the HI Blue would be too light and the Gold Iridium would be too dark. also offers nice contrast because of the bronze/persimmon base tint. the Black Iridium coating adds an Oakley edge.
Dann -
My mom has these in her Teaspoons. They are a very light lens, and not too good for bright light, but will do for most driving conditions. I imagine early morning when the sun is low, will prove most troublesome. And nice bronze increased contrast lens though.
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