Brainstorm: Roland E.
March 5th, 2015 - 10 years ago (14 logins)Last Login4 years ago
Mar 24, 2015 5:13 PM
As crazy as the Madman is, it just works so well on a lot of people. Nice shot - Dann

Agreed. I think it's because that Madman is very narrow, with no expectation of wraparound coverage. A narrow frame on a large head doesn't look nearly as awkward as too wide a frame on a smaller head/face.
Mar 24, 2015 4:31 PM
It's not that civilians can't buy SI stuff, they just can't buy it at the military discount, which is why Tactical Distributors and others have them at full retail. Oddly enough they had some exclusives like the Eagle Fuel Cell. - Dann

Thanks for the clarification, Dann! But civilians still can't order directly from, even at full retail price, or can they? In any case, I'm content to buy SI gear from 3rd party sellers, or wait for close-out SI gear to hit the Vault at a discount. I'm just glad I discovered this, with several packages on the way as evidence.

While I appreciate the SI program itself, I never liked their sign-up method. My CAC and enterprise email do not technically belong to me and thus are not supposed to be used for personal gain. I know tons of people who have signed up with this method and its never been an issue before (that I know of). But all it takes is once and I certainly don't want to be in front of that freight train if/when it derails. Perhaps the next time I am forward I will see if I can do it in person at an Oakley Tactical Shop. Otherwise, I am content with paying full retail, at least in this sense. Probably the only time I will ever say that :D - skull.jacket

Completely agree, skull.jacket! I do not use work e-mail for anything personal, on principle. It's just a slippery slope that I'd rather stay away from. My work e-mail belongs to my employer, and gets left behind each time I move on. No expectation of privacy at work either. My personal e-mail belongs to me, is private, and remains my property regardless of where I happen to work at any given time. Even if this requires more hardware and makes access less flexible, it's a small price to pay to keep things straight.

Now if I could get work to pay for all of my Oakley gear...
Mar 18, 2015 10:26 AM
I noticed in the Account settings on, there's a Type O link at the bottom of the left-hand menu. It forwards to the type O website. Despite having the same e-mail, I'm using two different passwords, so I only believe the two accounts are loosely linked. - Dann

That matches my experience, Dann. They are two separate databases, which get matched up via your e-mail address. I did make sure to re-use my p/w when I signed up for Type-O though. Makes it easier on my brain. ;-)
Mar 18, 2015 10:03 AM
Here's some pics from Ryan's display table at the Miami Collectors Event:

- H01B3RG

Very cool, Chris! Hope I can time things right to make it to a Collectors Event one day!

When the Split Jacket came out right after I had LASIK to skip RX lenses, it was synchronicity! The SJ is by far my favorite Oakley frame. It's low key enough to be wearable in a professional setting. With the gaskets (or without), it's been great for skiing and other outdoor activities. I'm hard on my glasses, so anything with exposed lenses just isn't practical for me.

I can foresee a smaller version of the Jawbreaker in time... granted I haven't worn a Jawbreaker yet, but what it does look like is an Eyeshade sized lens with Switchlock technology, but streamlined for the looks of today.

I would very much like a Split Jacket-sized version of the Jawbone/Racing Jacket.

I think for the recreational cyclist, a slimmer version of the lens might be attractive... - H01B3RG

That summarizes it for me, although I have yet to spring for a Racing Jacket. As nice as all the rimless designs are for field-of-vision, in real life I need my frames to go all around the lens for longevity. Split Jacket fits the bill. Racing Jacket will hopefully be added to my quiver sometime down the road (pun intended).
Mar 18, 2015 9:16 AM
If you want an SI matte black pair, the Vault store has them right now. $180 for polarized and $140 for non-polar:

You have to look under "shop all sport sunglasses" or do a search for Split Jacket. They don't come up under "new arrivals".

Thanks for the tip on the Vault, Skull.Jacket. The non-polarized SI SJ is down to $120!

Unless Oakley is planning some crazy resurgence of the Split Jacket (doubt it), if you really want a pair I suggest you grab it now because they might be gone soon. I just bought one from the Vault site for that very reason - I ordered the 9099-15 from Tactical Gear at a kick ass price only to get an email three weeks later saying sorry they are out of stock. - skull.jacket

Funny enough, I tried to order the SI Split Jacket from Tactical Gear as well. I was late to the party, and realized they were out of stock before I clicked all the way through. Got a pair of Fuel Cell Cerakote Limited Edition (Ultrablend Desert) instead. This is my first collector's pair, so I thought it'd be fun to get a special pattern (Ultrablend) and SI all in one pair.

I think it's sweet that Tactical Gear allows civilians to buy SI gear. Don't think Oakley allows that on the dedicated SI site, only in the Vault on closeout.
Mar 14, 2015 12:34 AM
True, and that's the whole reason they're out there to begin with. It costs too much to figure out what to do with them once deployed an no longer needed. - Dann

Plus, once people pay dear money for the phased-out display cases, they have to buy a ton more Oakley stuff to fill 'em! I'd say that lawyers standing down goes hand in hand with Oakley's increased focus on community marketing. All of this is great news for the Oakley faithful!
Mar 10, 2015 2:27 AM
Welcome to the O-Review, Orlando!

Roland-O :-)
Mar 10, 2015 1:57 AM
For sure. I've collected random things since I was a child, from Stamps, to Coins, to stupid things like buttons. I didn't even like half the stuff. Once I was able to buy things, it just got crazy and my only saving grace these days is the ability to not get things in the first place as I have a terrible time letting go of anything. I also hate clutter, so that's a terrible combination. - Dann

In hindsight, it's easy to see that we were born to be collectors and addicts. That said, hating clutter is actually a positive trait for a collector. It drives you to organize your collections with OCD-like discipline. How else would you have come up with the O-Review and its database, Dann?

So true, Roland.
Collecting is hazardous... And addictive!

Spyderco is a really great brand! And the also make some nice fixed blades! The Warrior is a classic! - pastor.elfstrom

Well, Michael. Collecting knives is hazardous, because they cut. Especially something like a giant Spyderco Warrior. (I like to stick to smaller folders like the Dragonfly.) At least with the Oakley collection, the sunglasses can protect our precious eyes!

I'm working hard not to let my knife or Oakley collections get out of hand. Of course, the risk is that other, new collections will spring up instead. Oh dear! We're doomed!
Mar 9, 2015 5:57 PM
People who are prone to addiction often have multiple addictions. So it makes sense that avid collectors collect more than one thing or things. Some people say that collecting is like an addiction. I'll let everybody decide for themselves. ;-)

In terms of collecting knives, I'm partial to Spyderco. They offer almost as much variety in shapes, colors, and sizes as Oakley does! This makes collecting easy, as you can be tempted to acquire all the color-ways in a particular model line. Good fun!
Mar 9, 2015 2:32 AM
No worries. Thanks for the response. Sooner or later, I will have both to compare for myself. :-)
Mar 8, 2015 11:10 AM
Thanks a million, supersharp!

The Badman and Split Jacket are closer in shape than I thought on first impression. As expected, the BM does have a good bit more lens coverage than the SJ. Part of this may be due to the narrower cast aluminum rims, as opposed to the thicker O-Matter of the SJ. The BM lens is also more rectangular, compared to the SJ's (relative) teardrop shape. This is bound to change the view from inside as well as the look on wearer's face. Curvature seems comparable, although it looks to me like the SJ wraps around a wee bit more.

I have to admit that it's hard to evaluate differences without product shots rendered from an identical perspective and/or trying on the Badman in person. I think I need to stick with the tried-and-tested SJ for daily wear. I may get the Madman for fun, as its practical qualities are secondary. For the Badman, I'll wait until I can try a pair, either when I'm Stateside or passing through an airport with a properly stocked duty free.
Mar 7, 2015 10:37 PM
Thanks for the helpful comparison, Michael!

Do you happen to have a Split Jacket for comparison, by chance? The Split Jacket fits my face best of all my Oakleys, so would be a helpful point of reference.

While the Badman and X Squared are somewhat similar, the Badman is definitely wider in lens coverage. I'm afraid this is going to pose a problem for those of us with small to medium faces. The upside to this is that is makes me more comfortable with getting a Madman, which is obviously a lot narrower (in lens coverage) than the Badman.
Mar 7, 2015 10:29 PM
When I first saw the Madmen, I thought new era Mars... thanks for posting these pics of both side-by-side! - H01B3RG

Chris: I have a feeling that many of us thought Madman = Mars 2.0.

Michael: Thank you of the excellent comparison shots!
Mar 7, 2015 7:40 PM
Enjoying a quiet evening, going through the PW Club in reverse chronological order. Some true gems!

Let's get hardcore PW

- BiGCoB

Tout à fait inédit, François! That's an incredible combination of Oakley gear, guys, and perspective!
Mar 7, 2015 7:05 PM
Thanks. For the Madman, I'm less worried about they way they will fit, since they are such a narrow frame and look different by design. But for the Badman, I'm worried about too large a size, particularly width. In other words, I'm more concerned about frame coverage (which is fixed) than fit (which can be adjusted, to a degree).
Mar 7, 2015 6:35 PM
Wow! Thanks, Dann. I'd appreciate any kind of insight, esp. from somebody as knowledgeable as you.

Indeed I don't have an X-squared, but will look for that thread anyway. All of the selfies in the PW thread have been helpful as well, since they show the same members with different frames, including the Mad- and Badman. Hopefully, I can gather enough info to decide about the Badman. If not, I may just get the Madman. While I know it wouldn't be practical for everyday wear, it would be my first collector's Oakley. (I've worn every one of the dozen or so Oakleys I've had extensively. So none of them are collection-grade.)
Mar 7, 2015 11:29 AM
I'm still pondering a Badman for more dressy occasions, when sport frames don't fit the bill. I'm worried that the Badman are going to be too wide and large for my face, like many recent Oakley designs. I'm currently overseas and far from any Oakley bunkers, so looking for feedback from members here.

My daily wear is a pair of polarized Split Jackets, which fit my face perfectly. Do any of you who already bought the Badman have a Split Jacket as well? If so, could you please compare the two in terms of size and fit? If anybody is up for it, side-by-side comparison shots of Badman and Split Jacket would be very helpful. I am particularly interested in a head-on view (from the front) to see how they compare in width and coverage.
Mar 6, 2015 9:56 AM
That's an interesting idea. Where would you consider the Stretch-line logos? - SunDevil08

When they were introduced, the stretch-line logos ushered in a new era. So my initial reaction would be to include them in the modern era. However, looking back from today, and considering how Oakley markets stretch-line logo gear these days, it probably makes more sense to include it with vintage.

Technically speaking, all this new stuff coming out with the old logos is "retro," not vintage. It's modern production with vintage style. So I propose three categories.

Vintage: Original Oakley logo, Thermonuclear Protection, Factory Pilot, etc.

Retro: Modern reproduction with vintage style and logos, e.g. Frogskin and Blade re-releases.

Modern: Square-O and more recent logos and design language.

Where does that leave Mad Scientist designs like Medusa, OTT, Mars, and the recent Madman/Badman releases? To be honest, I'm not up to speed about the origins and timing of Oakley's mad scientist stuff. My suspicion is that it came after the original logo/vintage era.

Another idea is to think in terms of popular culture. Vintage Oakley goes with neon color and the 1980's/early 90's. Modern era starts in late 1990's and stretches into 2000's and today. Retro is a marketing strategy employed anytime after vintage 1980's era, to increase sales amidst popular demand for retro style apparel by younger generations of Oakley customers as well as aging and nostalgic, original Oakley customers. (Can we say the original customers were baby boomers, or were they younger than that?)
Mar 5, 2015 10:25 PM
Thank you, Michael and Ko. I've been going through the P.W. Club and Madman threads and enjoying everybody's collections and modeling!
Mar 5, 2015 8:46 PM
Gascan was more of a defining moment. I don't think we'll ever really know when Lux's influence became omnipresent, but it certainly wasn't June 2007. - Dann

To me, the Gascan and square-O design language are the breakover point. I still haven't fully accepted the arrival of the square-O logo. I consider anything that came out while Oakley was still using its original logo to be vintage. Anything after that is "modern era" in my eyes, even if it's more than 10 years old. I guess I'm dating myself. But wearing Oakleys helps me feel young (and protects my eyes so they stay young). ;-)
Mar 5, 2015 7:24 PM
Thanks, Dann! After I discovered the Madman/Badman pair on, I went googling for reviews. Found my way to your Youtube channel, before reading the relevant thread here and registering.

Thank you for all the hard work you've put into the Oakley community over the years!
Mar 5, 2015 7:05 PM
- Dann

Love Brian Takumi's craftsmanship on these! Thanks for sharing the shots, Dann.
Mar 5, 2015 6:43 PM
Hey there, fellow Oakley-heads!

I've stopped by O-review a couple of times over the years. Was browsing for new releases yesterday, and discovered the Madman and Badman. Looking at a Badman for everyday wear, and Madman because I regret never getting a Mars. Came here to look for real-life feedback, and decided finally to register. Awesome to see how many members secured a Madman Raw!

My first Oakley pair were 2nd generation (plastic hinge) Frogskins, Ruby Iridium lenses, and translucent gray frames in the early 1990's. Saved my lunch money to buy them. I wore several Oakley RX frames, both clear and tinted, over the years. In 2011, I finally got LASIK eye surgery, so I could wear whatever pair of Oakleys I damn well pleased. :D

Currently wear a Split Jacket, with Rootbeer (brown) frames and Amber Iridium Polarized lenses.

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