Jesper Ostermann
Oct 29, 2010 4:28 PM
Hey Guys!

I need some advice.

Does other than me had any problems with the frame around the nose (where the pins are) becomming to "loose"?

I have contacted Oakley 2 times now and they have "re-pin'ed" it. (dont know the excact word for it.) still I feel the frame is kinda "loose".

Have otehr ever stumbled across this problem?


Jules Neefjes
Oct 29, 2010 4:35 PM
You mean that it is just really flexible around the nose bridge?
If so, then yes you are not the only one. My very first pair of O's war the Juliet. And it has been pretty flexible/ loose since the beginning. While I bought them brand new...
When I got my xx's and 2nd pair of Juliets I found out that it didn't have to be that loose. So I have the idea that there are some examples that are just a bit looser when they leave the factory than others.
Dann Thombs
Oct 29, 2010 4:52 PM
The flex couplers inside the nose bridge are plastic, so they stretch over time as you wear them. So that's why they had a tune up procedure, where they would replace the rivets and couplers if you wanted them tight again. As you see the Half-X didn't have a flex nose bridge, and then the Square X chose to use torx screws. This caused too many problems.

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