Viscouse P'pello
Mar 3, 2009 8:27 PM
Now that the Square Whisker came into the scene, I've noticed that they're about the same lense shape as the New Square Wire. Maybe?

So...if a Ti NSW is a nice light delight, it seems that a Square Whisker might take the lead in terms of style & heft.

Anyone care to comment on the comparison?
Matt B
Mar 3, 2009 11:41 PM
I have two New Square Wires, and being as such, have no intention on buying the new Square Whisker anytime soon. The styles are very close to one another.

I've handled and tried on the original Whisker (I assume the Square Whisker feels the same), and it all comes down to preference. If you want a thick and more dense frame then the New Square Wire is the way to go. This can be lightened with the premium titanium variant. If you want the thinnest frame you can get before getting into Nanowire 4.0, then Whisker would be the way to go. Any of the three square styles that are available are very classy with a subtle aggressive look.
Icon John
John miller
Mar 4, 2009 6:53 AM
I would actually compare the new square whisker to the new splinter. The lenses on them are nearly identical. I took out a lens from each to see the difference and I believe the splinter was just a tad smaller but otherwise nearly identical in shape. It could has been the other way around, i did this a couple of weeks ago.
Just call me Woody!
Mar 4, 2009 5:46 PM
Speaking about the Splinter....I like em!!
I have a pair of rx Bottle Rocket 4.0. I find that they and the Splinter are nearly identical. Lens shape is slightly different.

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