David Lee
Nov 27, 2007 3:35 AM
While I'm not new to the "scene," I'm one of the newer faces on the O-Review. I've been wearing, but not really collecting, for about 12 years now. Last year, the collection bug bit me. So, I was overly excited, this year, to hear of a new local Vault, outside Philly...about 1.2 hours from home.

The Philly Vault is located in the new Premium Outlets...not really in Philly...but closer to Reading in Limerick, PA. Nonetheless, the store is setup well...mostly with sale items and lots of Custom Oakley options. While the sales staff isn't overly knowledgeable about product, they're very enthusiastic. I'll be the first to admit, this may change with time, but it's a bunch of younger kids (I say kids...18-28) that sport the current styles of Oakley products, proudly, and seem very excited about the possibilities of the store. They engaged me MANY a time, even having the manager mention this site to me. They had various X-Metals, old Romeos, Penny styles, and more in the Vault. The selection is excellent, for the most part...the staff is great...and the location...well...it would be better outside my house.

The best part? If you can't find it there...there's a Sunglass Icon two doors down!

Now, off to Vegas. This Vault is in an Outlet center that is almost a twin of the Limerick location...with a few more surf shops to boot. I didn't get a warm greeting going in. Most of the items were newer....with very few "sale" clothing items. The employees weren't overly excited to be there...never once really approached me as I drooled over their double wides...and only talked to me if I just STOOD there and watched. I did end up spending money, but more because I sold myself on things.

Oh, and the Vault portion consisted of a lot of Splice models, some older wires...but nothing that jumped out at me.
Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
Nov 27, 2007 3:51 AM
Great reviews David. There is a Vault in Saitama Prefecture here in Japan that I should get out to at some point. I'm sure the service there will be better than the Vegas one, from the sound of it.

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