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Aug 8, 2007 11:20 AM
so short story, i went to a show house after i met a customer and showed the new oakleys.

i had my camera with me and had the idea to snap some pics of the sunglasses in a particular setting.
so this are all a 'home' setting with different themes, sort of. have a look and do comment;

my juliet. as you can see my camera is sometimes lousy without using flash. or most of the time. the pics dont do the juliet justice. or the surrounding. maybe one day ill snap a pic of it near KLCC = the malaysian twin towers so that the steel and glass structure can complement the polished titanium frames AND the ice pol lens.

very obvious. tried to capture the see thru crystal hijinx in a see-thru glass setting. couldnt find much other spots to take.

the brown sugar hijinx in a setting dominated by brownness, heh or partial nature. the sort of balinese setting was in the bathroom.

nehow, didnt bring much that time so could only snap these. if i had the green black splatter, im sure i couldve taken a pic outside surrounded by trees, shrubs and greens to make it look sort of 'jungle' camo.

heh yeah the above doesnt exactly use oakleys mad science roots or industrial design theme. mebe if i can find a bulldozer next and lay it near the windshield as 'SI protection' or ultimate protection tagline or something of those sorts.
but i think snapping the juliet near KLCC might hint of the industrial design. might get to it someday.
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Aug 8, 2007 11:25 AM


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