Nik Gutscher
Jun 23, 2007 10:13 AM
Well - Since we are witnessing a true Shock and inevitable change in the world of what we have all been so passionate about for so long.... We might as well discuss it. I will share in this thread what and how this passion has deeply effected my personal life in the last 2+ years and I encourage you to do the same...
Chester The X Metalist
Jun 25, 2007 9:11 AM
for the last year, Oakley has been a part of my daily life. It sometimes has been the reason why I go out or go places. I'd be at home and then I'd be like "I wanna wear this pair today. Where can I go" Ive bought nothing but Oakleys this past year when it comes to shopping for apparel, footwear and ofcourse watches and glasses. So this brand really means alot to me and Im willing to do what I can within reason to keep it as awesome as it is now
Lajos Keller
Jun 25, 2007 12:01 PM
Oakley was (and still is!) a company that wants to create unique glasses who never compromises when it comes to quality. Since 1999 - when I got my first pair - I only wear O sunglasses and I assume this will never change.
Only years later I realized that there is much more than just glasses. It's passion. And a way of living. It may sound a bit silly, but I know many of us here think the same way.
Nik Gutscher
Jul 1, 2007 3:05 PM
Oakley - Mostly the OR - has changed every aspect of my life...

For the first time in my life I have been able to focus on one hobby for longer than 6 months...

Every vacation I have had has been centered around Oakley, Vaults, and O events.

I have forged some of the best friendships in my life, at 37 years old, with people I have never met before in my life. The OR people I have been fortunate enuff to meet in person have been awesome.

The people I have met here have been amazing - and are people I would have never had the opportunity to meet otherwise.

I am looking forward to meeting more. There are people on here that I would trust as much as the few friends I have locally that I have known half my life.

I think this is a rare place - and I cherish it for what it is and the people that are here...
Mike Bahr
Jul 1, 2007 6:40 PM
Here Here Nik!

Could not have put it any better.

I have also learned to embrace my passion and not feel embarrassed by wearing all Oakley, now i do it with pride.
Chester The X Metalist
Jul 2, 2007 6:14 AM
aww you guys make me wanna cry haha! Incase we meet Nik, remind me to give u a big hug :-D lol! Well said. Sounds like lifetime channel but touchy ;-), J/K
Jul 8, 2007 5:28 AM
Since 1999 I have been collecting Oakley gear and turned into an Oakley JUNKIE. I will not leave my house without wearing everything but Oakley (head to toe) It is my BIGGEST passion (2nd to my wife & kids) I have an entire room in my house dedicated to Oakley. I have been branded for life with the oakley brand.....................

Static O Tattoo...

Designed from Oakely Poster

I (and I/m sure that a lot of you do as well) always get asked "do you work for Oakley" and I say "unfortunatley no" and they say why are you so into them, how did you get started collecting their stuff, etc. And then the inevitable question, if you could describe Oakley in one word what would it be... My best answer is "(UNSURPASSED) there is not one single company on the face of the planet that makes sicker products and no one can touch them in eyewear, watches, footwear, outerwear, apparal, etc. THEY DO EVERYTHING RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE OAKLEY TO DEATH AND WILL FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE..... I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL MY KIDS CAN FIT INTO THEIR STUFF (THEY HAVE GLASSES NOW) SO THEY CAN ROCK THE BEST GEAR ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET (MY WALLET WILL WAIT FOR A WHILE THOUGH LOL...) SINCERLY, OAKLEYZ
Nik Gutscher
Jul 8, 2007 7:57 AM
Well said bro! Nice tats - still waiting to get my first O tat... But it will happen...
Jul 9, 2007 6:05 AM
I agree that static O is sweet, looking for an oakley tatoo myself but I dont want the curse to find me ;)

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