Brian Salazar
Oct 23, 2006 8:04 AM
A picture in a Projects thread http://o-review.com/forum_detail.asp?ID=7341 got me thinking.

Will a Half Jacket lens fit and be functional in a Romeo 2 frame? As soon as I can get to a store to try it I'm going to, but I wanted to throw this question out there in the meantime.
Jumpman23 Mamba Triple Ocho
Oct 23, 2006 8:05 AM
I believe Cal did this with some customized RII's.
paul mcj
Oct 23, 2006 8:37 PM
Yes, they can be fitted into a R2 frame. It's a bit of a bugger to swap the lenses into the R2 frame (it's a tough fit) - and whether or not you like the look of a regular or XLJ HJ lens in the R2 frame is up to you.
Brian Salazar
Oct 23, 2006 9:30 PM
Cool, thanks for the info Paul. I can't wait to try it in person.
adam _
Oct 23, 2006 11:43 PM
I did this with my carbon pair, I dropped in some Hi Blue lenses but as Paul says it was a real pain in the ass and the fit wasn't great, eventually I just swapped the regular lenses back in. There are pics around somewhere.
Arthur Swain
Jan 3, 2007 4:44 AM
Sorry to bring up an old thread, but if anyone's got those pics of half jacket lenses in Romeo 2's, can they pm them to me? I have a boss to prove wrong
Dann Thombs
Jan 3, 2007 6:35 AM
This thread should win the bet :)

Chester The X Metalist
Jan 4, 2007 3:36 AM
I copied the carbon with vr28 blue iridium from Cal. hope he doesnt sue me :-D
Mac McFarland
Jan 6, 2007 5:45 AM
dang chester the dog i bet those real clean, now i want a pair but different lense color lol u have pics?
Chester The X Metalist
Jan 8, 2007 8:40 PM

heres the pic u asked for Mac
Mac McFarland
Jan 11, 2007 7:33 AM
yea i took some extra lens during lunch and now i'm looking at getting some just to show off. lol j/k i spent like 45 minutes just puting the lens together and imagining how it would look.
Chester The X Metalist
Jan 13, 2007 12:59 AM
my next project on the Romeo 2 is gonna be a polished frame with a vr28 black iridium lenses to brown transition.
Mac McFarland
Jan 16, 2007 1:33 AM
yea the brown transition will definately be a keeper. i was playing with them outside and inside and yea there a most have
B Tang
Jan 16, 2007 8:53 AM
This thread pushed me over the edge to get a Romeo 2, after trying them on and seeing that they fit, and then finding out that they can take Half Jacket lenses to boot. I started with Polished/Titanium Iridium and proceeded to pick up a pair of G30 HJ lenses. It did take some extra work to make it fit, mainly had to file down the notch that goes where the screw goes in...it starts off blocking the hole that the screw goes through. But other than that it wasn't too bad, looks like I'm gonna end up going nuts with the Romeo II frames now. :-). One word of warning, be gentle with the screws, I freaked out because I thought I had busted the threads of one of my screws, and right now it still goes in slightly crooked compared to when it was new.
Wilson Ng
Jan 16, 2007 11:18 PM
ahh very nice Vertigo, glad they worked for you. so did you still need larger nosebombs for the R2 or did the Half Jacket lenses solve the problem with them touching your cheeks?
darn, i'm starting to think about the R2s myself, maybe the HJ lenses would solve my cheek touching problems too.
B Tang
Jan 17, 2007 7:07 AM
Ahhh yes that's the other thing, the HJ lenses completely clear my cheekbones, even when I try to pull a huge grin. I'm using the standard sized lenses. I still wouldn't mind larger nosebombs but for the most part the fit is pretty much perfect. I'm reaaaally happy with how it worked out in the end, giving me another X-metal option aside from the Juliets that fit me like a glove.
Harry Angelikas
Dec 21, 2015 2:35 AM
Sorry to bring up such an old thread...but am thinking about getting an R2 and am wondering if current STANDARD SIZE Half Jacket 2.0 lenses (not XL) will fit in them. Again, sorry for bumping such an old thread.
Dann Thombs
Dec 21, 2015 3:10 PM
I haven't tried and my Romeo 2 has been a little loose since trying those years back, but Half Jacket 2/Flak Jacket have a different upper curve than the original Half Jacket, so my first guess would be 'no'. Interested if anyone has tried it first hand though.

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